(Enacted on January 1st, 2007; Amended on July 25, 2016; Amended on January 17, 2017; Amended on August 31, 2018; Amended
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1 (Definition of Research ethics)
Research Ethics is a standard that researchers should pursue when conducting research by passing on information honestly, using resources efficiently, and reporting lab results objectively and precisely.
Article 2 (Purpose of Ethics Policy)
Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science (hereinafter referred to as KFCS) aims to enhance the quality of public food life through disseminating knowledge and research on cookery science, scientific approach, and industrialization of food using various ingredients including agricultural products. Establishing Ethics policy will give all members the opportunity to recall ethical standards. The policy secures the morality and, honesty. It provides standards for investigating misconducts fairly, therefore preventing members from having misconducts and enhancing the morality of research.
Article 3 (Subject of Research Ethics and Education)
The policy is applied to all members of KFCS. KFCS shall provide details of the policy at its homepage and publications. It also provides educations of the research ethics to the members of KFCS.
Chapter 2. Ethics Policy for Misconducts in Research
Article 4 (Integrity of Research)
The authors should conduct research and present results honestly according to academic conscience. The reviewer who reviews the research result shall review it honestly and sincerely according to academic conscience.
Article 5 (Definition of Misconduct)
- ①Misconduct stipulated by this policy refers to counterfeiting, falsification, plagiarism, duplicating publication in research planning, conducting, reporting, and presentation.
- ②Counterfeiting: Acts of fabricating non-existing data, research results, etc., and recording or reporting such results.
- ③Falsification: Acts of artificially manipulating research data, equipment, procedures, etc., or distorting research contents by intentionally modifying or deleting research results.
- ④Plagiarism: Acts of stealing others' idea, contents, results, etc. without proper approval or citation. Idea plagiarism is the act of concealing the original author. Contents plagiarism is the act of copying parts of other author's paper. Mosaic plagiarism is the act of mixing, adding, or substituting words.
- ⑤Duplicating publication: Acts of presenting and publishing research contents that are already published by themselves with completely the same or almost the same contents in another journal for twice or more without any announcement. Before publishing research contents that have already been published, the author must request the editor whether the contents are duplicate publication.
Chapter 3. Ethics Policy for Researchers
Article 6
①(Responsibilities of the Author)
The researcher takes the responsibility as an author for research results conducted by oneself with paper explanation and accurate writing. The author must not suggest research results that are not conducted by him/herself on his/her paper. The author may refer other research results a number of times while stating the source. However, insisting that the result is his or hers is a plagiarism.
The researcher provides accurate information on his/her affiliation and title to enhance credibility of the research when publishing the research results. The corresponding author is responsible for the precision of data, names documented as co-authors, approval for all final drafts of co-authors, answers for all questions, and correspondence etc. on behalf of co-authors.
- ②(Management of Data and Research Results)
Data must be collected and documented with a reliable, proper, and adequate method and retain them for a reasonable time. They should be available for reviewing when needed.
③(Criteria for Authorship)
Authorship is based on the following 4 criteria. All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged, and all who do not meet all criteria should be identified as contributors.
- - Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- - Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- - Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- - Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Article 7 (Order of Authors)
The order of authors shall be decided by one's contribution through agreement of co-authors without considering status. Authors should be able to explain the principle of the order.
Article 8 (Duplicate Publication)
Authors should not present or publish research contents that are already published, going to be published, being reviewed, or before being reviewed in another journal as if they were new. In order to present announced research contents, authors should check whether it is a duplicate publication by giving the information of previous publication to the editor.
Article 9 (Reference Citation)
- ①The author should quote or translate the original reference as it is when using research contents from other papers. In addition, the source of the reference must be disclosed when it is beyond common sense. Before referring to other's work, citation must be done in order to distinguish it between the author's work and other's work.
- ②The author shall cite reference and write the list precisely. Citation (ex. author, volume of journal, page, publication year) must be done from the original source (not from a secondary source). Recitation can be done if is necessary. It must be stated clearly that it is a recitation.
- ③The author has the ethical duty to include the author's own work as reference without bias.
Article 10 (Revision of Author's Paper)
The author shall include the reviewer's and editor's opinions to one's paper as much as possible. If the author does not agree, he or she should suggest the reason to the editing committee.
Chapter 4. Ethics Policy for Reviewers
Article 11 (Responsibilities and Obligations of a Reviewer)
The reviewer shall diligently review the paper requested by the editor within the review period. In addition, if the reviewer concludes that he or she is inappropriate for reviewing, he or she must notify the editor.
Article 12 (Fairness of Reviewing)
The reviewer must review the quality, experiment, theory, and interpretation of the paper with rigorous scientific and research standard. The reviewer shall exclude personal beliefs or acquaintance with the author. The paper shall not be denied without proper reasons or due to discordance with the reviewer's opinion. The reviewer must read and review the paper properly.
Article 13 (Unethical Acts of the Reviewer)
- ①The reviewer shall respect the author's personality and individuality, use smooth expressions, and forbear insults toward the author. The reviewer should explain one's review of the paper properly and explain which part needs improvement with specific reason.
- ②The reviewer shall not ask graduate students or a third party to review in place of oneself.
- ③Retaining the contents of the manuscript without shredding the copies of contents after reviewing are prohibited.
Article 14 (Confidentiality during Review)
Any papers received for a review must be treated confidentially. Besides situation when reviewers ask for advice regarding reviews, the paper must not be shown to others or discussed with others. In addition, the paper shall not be used or go public before publication without approval of the author.
Chapter 5. Ethics Policy for Editors
Article 15 (Responsibility of Editors)
The editor is responsible for deciding whether the submitted articles should be published. In addition, the editor shall secure the article honesty during reviews and respect the author's personalty and individuality as a scholar.
Article 16 (Fairness)
- ①The editor shall handle the submitted paper for publication fairly based on the quality and submission regulations. The editor shall exclude bias and personal acquaintance. Review procedures must be disclosed clearly when requested.
- ②The editor shall request reviews from professionals who retain objective and fair review abilities. The reviewer shall not be in the same institution with the contributor or be hostile toward the contributor due to discordant opinions.
Article 17 (Confidentiality)
The editor shall not disclose the author's identification or paper contents to anyone, including reviewers before the submitted paper is accepted for publication.
Chapter. 6 Bioethics
Article 18 (Human-targeted Research)
Human-targeted research as stipulated in the Act on Life Ethics and Safety refers to research that is performed by human interactions, such as physical intervention, communication, personal contact, or information available for personal identification. The human-targeted research shall observe the following principles.
- ①Based on the Helsinki Declaration, the research shall not be conducted in a way that might undermine human dignity or values. The research shall preferentially take the rights and welfare of subjects or their patrons into consideration.
- ②In principle, subjects or their patrons shall be fully informed of study objectives and mental or physical dangers that may occur during the study. The research shall specify that the subjects have consented to the study voluntarily.
- ③Subjects or their patrons shall have their private lives protected. Their personal information shall be kept secret except if the disclosure is permitted by the person involved or due to the relevant law.
- ④One who wants to perform a human-targeted study is recommended to submit a study plan to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of his/her institution and undergo the deliberation of the Board. If necessary, the editing committee may ask the applicant to submit his/her written consent and IRB's written approval.
- ⑤For other matters, the applicant shall comply with relevant legislations, including the Act on Life Ethics and Safety.
Article 19 (Animal Testing)
Animal testing refers to experiments or their scientific procedures performed on live animals for scientific purposes, such as education, trial, research, and biological medicine production. It requires the observance of the following principles
- ①Experiments shall be performed by viewing both respect for animal dignity and the promotion of human welfare.
- ②Experiments shall be performed on a necessary minimum number of animals by persons who have knowledge and experience in ethical treatment and scientific use of animals.
- ③Pain-causing experiments shall be performed on low sensitivity animals and appropriate veterinary measures shall be used to reduce pain or inconvenience such as the administration of painkillers and anesthetics.
- ④One who wants to perform experiments on animals is recommended to undergo the
deliberation of Animal Testing Ethics Committee of his/her institution.
- ⑤In principle, it shall be specified that testing procedures have not violated the regulations of the Ethics Committee or the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
- ⑥For other matters, the applicant shall comply with relevant laws, including the Act
on Life Ethics and Safety.
Chapter 7. Ethics Policy Guidance
Article 20 (Duties to follow Ethics Policy)
New members of KFCS pledge to follow the ethics policy. Current members are considered to be pledged to follow the ethics policy since the effectuation of ethics policy.
Article 21 (Role of the Research Ethics Committee)
The Research Ethics Committee reviews and resolves the following matters related to research ethics of KFCS members.
- ①Establishment of research ethics
- ②Prevention and investigation of misconduct in research
- ③Verification of violation against research ethics, treatment of verification result, and its follow-up action
- ④Recovery of impaired reputation of examinee
- ⑤Other matters assigned by the Committee Chairman
Article 22 (Organization of the Research Ethics Committee)
The Research Ethics Committee consists of more than five KFCS members. The President and the Chief Editor of KFCS become the Chair and the Vicechair of the Committee, respectively. Other members of the Committee are appointed by the Committee Chair.
Article 23 (Organization of the Ethics Committee)
The research ethics committee consists of more than five people among KFCS members. Committee members are appointed by the board with recommendation of the executive committee.
Article 24 (Protection of Examinee and Rights of the Ethics Committee)
- ①The Ethics Committee has the right to receive reports and investigate for liability verification. When the violation is true after thorough investigation of evidence, the informant, the examinee, and the testifier, it is possible to propose proper penalties given by the dean.
- ②The member who reported the misconduct of ethics policy must cooperate to the Ethics Committee's investigation. If not, the action is treated as research ethics policy violation. The member who reported for research ethics policy violation will be given thorough opportunities to explain. Members of the committee shall not disclose the identification of the member to the public before a final decision of KFCS is made.
Article 25 (Follow-up Actions and management for Misconduct of Research Ethics Policy)
Research Ethics Committee will assemble and finally decide the discipline when a request is made. The contents of the discipline will be decided by a vote. The research result of the member whose discipline is decided will be removed from the journal or conference materials or internet web site. Discipline will be restriction of submission for 5 years, suspension of the member qualification, or removal. Institute where the disciplined one belongs will be noticed or the actions of oneself will be announced on the academic journal for prevention of identical matters.
- Supplementary Provisions -
Article 1 (Effectuation)
The ethics policy has been implemented since January 1st, 2007.
For policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors at http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors will be applied.