Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science

Instructions to Authors


Aims and Scope

‘Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science (Korean J Food Cook Sci, KJFCS)’ is the official journal of the Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science, which was established in 1984 and was first published in 1985 as the ‘Journal of Korean Society of Food Science’ and changed its name to ‘Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science’ in November 2008 since the name of the society was changed to Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science in January 2007. The aims of KJFCS is to contribute further the scientific development, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge concerning food science and food preparation innovation in order to promote healthful living and general social welfare. Its publication type includes original research articles, research notes and reviews. However, review articles can be received only if commissioned by the Editorial Board. Some or all of the articles in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Chemical Abstracts (CAS), Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA), Google Scholar, Digital Object Identifier (DOI)/CrossRef, National Discovery for Science Leaders (NDSL), Korea Citation Index (KCI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Data Base Periodical Information Academic (DBpia), and Korean Medical database (KMbase), publishing 6 times per year on February 28, April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31, and December 31.

The journal's scopes are specified as following in the main field of food cookery and application. Other scopes of the journals are foodservice, food culture, dietary life education, applied food science and nutrition, and related academic disciplines. Specified journal scope categories including the main field of food cookery application are as followings:

  • 1) Food cookery and application (experimental food preparation, cooking methods, food chemistry, food processing, preservation, composition, functional foods, microbiology and fermentation, antioxidant, and application)
  • 2) Foodservice (food production, quality control, food safety, satisfaction and consumption patterns)
  • 3) Food culture (traditional culinary culture, study of old culinary papers, recognition of Korean foods)
  • 4) Dietary life education (dietary life status, dietary education)
  • 5) Applied food science and nutrition

Manuscript Submission and Peer-Review

The corresponding author and first author should be members of the Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science, and the inclusion of non-members' manuscripts will be decided by the Editorial Committee.

In principle, this is an online-based submission (https://kfcs.jams.or.kr/). The ‘Manuscript Submission Form’ is prepared online and then the research manuscript and ‘Transfer of Copyright Form’ and "Author's Check Lists' are submitted. The affiliation and title of an author (author information) should be provided accurately in the document required for submitting a manuscript. Manuscript reviewing fee is free. An author may ask for rapid manuscript review, when wanting to see quick processing. Rapid review refers to that which is completed within a week by 2 experts. However, publication is not guaranted. The submitter should pay 200,000 KRW as the fee for rapid review. As for manuscripts regarding sensory, survey, human and animal tests, a copy of IRB permission (the first page on which the number of approval is indicated) should be attached to the ‘Transfer of Copyright Form.’

Submitted manuscripts will undergo 3-step review process. As an exception, review articles commissioned by the editorial committee will not go through the double-blind peer review process. The peer review, acceptance, and publication schedule of manuscripts are processed according to the regulations of the editorial board and reviewing, and instructions to authors. The 3-step review process for the decision of acceptance are as following:

Step 1:
All manuscripts submitted are reviewed and managed by the Editor-in-Chief or assigned to one of the Editors. The Editors are then responsible for the assigned manuscripts. This includes evaluating the content and format of the paper, selecting reviewers, monitoring the progress of the review process, evaluating the comments of reviewers, and carrying out a final check of accepted manuscripts for appropriate format and style.
Step 2:
Two reviewers are typically selected per paper on the basis of the subject matter, available expertise, and the Editor’s knowledge of the field. Reviewers are normally asked to provide their assessments within two weeks. Anonymous copies of the reviews and the Editor’s decision regarding the acceptability of the manuscript are sent to the corresponding author by the Editor-in-Chief.
Step 3:
During the Step 2 process, if reviewers differ in their evaluations, the Editor may reject the manuscript or select additional reviewers. These additional reviews are used by the Editor to assist in reaching the final decision regarding disposition of the manuscript.

Authorship and Ethical Issues

Originality and Copyrights: Original manuscripts will be considered with the understanding that no part has been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere, other than in abstract form. The copyright transfer occurred from the author(s) to the Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science upon acceptance.

 The author for a manuscript should contribute to study design, data collection and analysis, and manuscript preparation. The author should also provide accurately his/her affiliation and title (author information) for improving the credibility of the research when publishing the manuscript.
Conflict-of-Interest and Acknowledgments:
Any interests regarding the author's participation and research funding, if any, should be clearly stated in the manuscripts. The corresponding author must collect the relevant information for the Conflict of Interest statements from all co-authors, if any, and submit these with the accepted manuscript. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author's institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could influence (or bias) the author's decisions, work, or manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: Authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. If there is no conflict of interest, please state "No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported." All sources of funding of the study should be disclosed. Thus, clearly indicate grants that you have received in support of your research work in Acknowledgments.
Clinical and Animal Test:
For clinical tests (including sensory evaluation and survey) the author should obtain approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the organization(However, for IRB-exempt sensory evaluation and survey studies, it is recommended to include an exemption review in the manuscript). For animal tests, the author should comply with the instructions of the research center or government and obtain approval from the institutional animal care and use committee.

For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instructions, International standards for editors and authors (https://publicationethics.org/resources/resources-and-further-reading/international-standards-editors-and-authors) can be applied.

Processing of the Violation on Publication Ethics:
The journal adheres to the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)to investigate allegations of misconduct and to ensure the integrity of research. The journal editorial boards should deliberate and consider retracting/appropriate action a publication in accordance with The COPE guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Flowcharts) if they have clear evidence that redundant publication, data fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism and unethical research.

The authors must comply with the code of research ethics of this journal including as mentioned above.

Consideration of Sex and Gender Characteristics

In articles on clinical studies (all studies involving human subjects), animal and cell studies, sex and gender characteristics should be considered because sex(linked to biological factors) or gender(linked to socio-cultural factors) can influence outcomes. In the case of research on single-sex or gender only, the academic justification should be provided.
Clinical Studies: The sex and gender classification should be correctly described, the male and female participants should be included in the study, and the sex and gender analysis results should be included.
Animal and Cell Studies: The source and biological characteristics of the animal or cell studied should be described, and the sex of them should be balanced. The results of sex analysis should also be included.

Publication Type

The original manuscripts are categorized as follows: Original Research Articles, Research Notes, and Reviews.
Original Research Articles should be presented in the standard format described below.
Research Notes are intended for the presentation of brief observations of findings and new experimental methods in a certain area that do not warrant a full-length text, but also are not preliminary results. Citations are identical in style to those of full-length papers.
Reviews commissioned by the Editorial Board, are summaries of findings, developments and histories in food and cookery science. Citations are also identical in style to those of full-length papers.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not have been published or offered for publication elsewhere. Abstract, References, Tables, and Figures should be stated in clear, concise, and grammatically correct Korean or English language. The entire manuscript, including tables and figures should be produced using A4 paper size, with a margin of 30 mm at the top and bottom and 20 mm on both sides. The title page should contain the title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), including a complete address for correspondence and proofs. The manuscript should be written in Korean or English using Hangul word processor (hwp) or Microsoft Word. Abstract in the Korean manuscript should be written in English and Korean abstract is advised to be attached in the English manuscript. The designated Korean and English font style is Shinmyeongjo and Times New Roman, respectively, in 11 points with 200% of the line height, including a page number in each page. Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the abstract, main text and in tables or figures. Abbreviations will not be used for the title, running head, and titles of tables or figures. However, abbreviations can be used with captions if numbers of words in the title are too long.

The text should be arranged in the following order of presentation: Abstract (300 words) with five key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Summary and Conclusion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, and Figures. The artwork files should be high resolution (at a minimum 300 dpi) for sharpness in print and online. Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned to the authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style and layout if possible. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity.

Title Page:
A title page must have the full title (both in Korean and English), and running head (in Korean), which should be brief and informative. The names and titles of all authors, and the institution(s) where the work was conducted should also be provided.

For English titles, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, except for proper nouns. When written in English, the name should be the full name. When two or more authors are involved, the mark, ‘†,’ should be indicated in the ‘Corresponding author’ for the contact information, with the name of the corresponding author, full postal address, e-mail address, and the telephone number.

Co-first authors or co-corresponding authors who made equal contributions are allowed for up to two people, respectively.

When each author belongs to different organizations, the Arabic numbered superscripts should be indicated after the name of each author. Then the same number is indicated with the organization of each author. The organization's address includes the city name, zip code, and country name in italic style.

(e.g.) Hong, Kil Dong · Lee, Soon Shin1† (e.g.) Department of Food and Nutrition, Daehan University, Busan 61234, Korea 1Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Hanguk University, Seoul 01234, Korea Details of research funding are written in English at the bottom of the title page as follows:
(e.g.) Acknowledgements:

This work was supported by grants from [Organization Name].

Abstract and Key Words: The title of manuscript should be presented at the top of the abstract page. A single paragraph of the abstract not exceeding 300 words should be prepared. Abstracts of the research article and notes include subheadings of purpose, methods, results, and conclusion in one paragraph without changing the line. Five key words should be included at the end of abstract. Author(s) of reviews should consult the editor of the Journal, since the abstracts of the reviews may need different formations.


Text of original research articles should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods(Methods only for survey articles), Results and Discussion, summary and Conclusion, Conflict-of-Interest, and Acknowledgments. The text formation of the research notes is the same with that of research articles. In principle, research notes are limited to 5 pages in printing. Author(s) of reviews should consult the editor of the Journal, since the text formation of the reviews may need different styles.

The introduction specifically states the background, purpose, and proved assumption of the research.

Materials and Methods: This part can be divided to separate sub-headings such as research design, data-collecting method, and statistical-analysis. Specific experimental methods should be sufficiently detailed so the work can be repeated. When known, the method should indicate the reference. When new or revised, methods should specify the details.

For special equipment, reagents, kits, etc., the source (model, and manufacturer), city, state (only USA), and country should be specified in parentheses at the very first time, since then only the manufacturer should be written. They should be written in unified language of Hangul or English. Biological materials should be identified by the scientific name (genus, species, and if necessary, authority and family) and cultivar, if appropriate, together with the site from which the samples were obtained

Manuscripts reporting analytical, biological activity, composition, and related data must include relevant statistical information to support discussion of differences or similarities in data sets. Describe all statistical tests utilized and indicate the probability level (p) at which differences were considered significant. Where data are presented in the text, state what they represent (ex. Means±SD). Indicate whether data were transformed before analysis. Specify any statistical computer programs used.

As for tests related to human body experiments including sensory tests and surveys, clinical, and animal test, the number of permission should be indicated in methods section. As for units, Arabic numerals and C.G.S. units should be used.

Results and Discussion:
This part in tables and figures should be stated clearly and logically. New findings in the section of study findings should be interpreted in relation to the previous researches, and the usability and limitations of results also should be stated. The titles, contents, and descriptions in tables and figures should be written in English, and pont style is Times New Roman.
Tables are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text. A table title should concisely describe the content of the table so that a reader can understand the table without referring to the text. Each table must be simple and typed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript with its heading at the top of each table with a suitable caption. Footnotes to tables should be placed at the bottom of the table to which they refer. Column headings should be kept as brief as possible, and units of measure indicated in parentheses. Explanatory matter is placed in footnotes below the tabular matter and not included in the heading. All non-standard abbreviations are explained in the footnotes. Footnotes should be indicated by arabic superscripts. Statistical measures such as SD or SE should be identified. As for the level of significance in statistical analysis, p-values in italic font style should be indicated with superscripts of asterisks. As for multiple range tests, superscripts of alphabetic lowercases should be used for descriptions.
Figures should be numbered, using Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are cited. Each figure should be uploaded as a single image file in either JPEG or PPT format. Written permission should be obtained for the use of all previously published illustrations (and copies of permission letters should be included). In the case of multiple prints bearing the same number, English letters should be used after the numerals to indicate the correct order (e.g. Fig. 1A; Fig. 2B). All figures should be submitted in such form as to permit reproduction without retouching or redrawing. Line drawings should be professionally drawn, or generated as high-resolution computer graphics. Lettering on the figures should be of good quality and of a size that allows for eventual reduction of the figures.

Summary and Conclusion: This part of the research should be summarized as brief as possible. Methods and results should not be restated.


All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript, listing all authors with full last name and initials of first and middle names, publication year, the title of articles and journals, volume number (issue number if necessary), and pages. The Journal titles must be abbreviated according to ISO Abbreviation Index (http://www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php).

Reference citation formats should comply with the ACS Style Guide 3rd Ed. (American Chemical Society, Sales Office, 1155 Sixteenth St. NW, Washington, DC 20036). A sample reference is presented at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_ requirements.html.

Order the references alphabetically by the last names of the authors between and within each reference. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the alphabetical lowercases, placed after the year of publication. As for article titles, book titles, etc. the first letter only should be in capital letters. The citation of dissertations should be minimized.

When the names of the references’ authors are indicated in the text, the last name in English should be stated as shown below.

(e.g.) In the text refer to the author's name and year of publication without period or comma between them (e.g. "Lee HG (2016) studied the effects..." or "...similar to values reported by others (Lee HG 2016). For 2 authors all authors are to be listed as follow: Lee HG &Kim HY(2015) found..." or in the text “was observed by others (Lee HG &Kim HY 2015). Where there are more than 2 authors, first author et al. should be used throughout the text (ex. Lee HG et al. 2016).

Examples of different types of references are given below.


Kim SJ, Kim HS. Pr​operties of jujube pulp powder and its application in preparing Yakbap, Yakpyon, and jujube porridge. Korean J Food Cook Sci 32(1):1-8.


Stone H, Sidel J. 1993. Sensory evaluation practices. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA. pp 18-24.
Bae HJ, Paik JE, Joo NM, Youn JY. 2012. HACCP principles and applications for foodservice manager. Gyomoon Publishers, Paju, Korea. pp 74-124.

Chapter in an Edited Book:

Sam DL. 2006. Acculturation: Conceptual background and core components. pp 11-26. In: The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. Sam DL, Berry JW (eds.). Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.


Lee SM. 2010. Physicochemical activity of jujube and quality characteristics of jujube-added brown rice Yakpyun. Doctorate dissertation. Sejong University, Seoul, Korea. p 65.
Im CY. 2012. Quality characteristics of persimmon Makgeolli on the processing forms of added persimmon and containing persimmon. Master’s thesis. Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea. pp 2-6.


Doczi J, Ninger FC, Silverman HI. 1964. Composition for inhibiting pepsin activity and method of preparing same. US Patent 3,155,575.

Conference Proceeding:

Das DJ, Barringer SA. 1997. Use of organic solvents for improving peel ability of tomatoes. Abstract No 13A-9 presented at 58th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Orlando, FL, USA. pp 3-5.
Kim DS, Joo NM. 2015. Quality characteristics and optimization of rice muffins prepared with Spergularia Marina L. Griseb using response surface methodology. Abstract No FCO-5 presented at the 2015 Autumn Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science, Seoul, Korea.

Old Book:

If an edited translation is cited: Bingheogak Lee (憑虛閣 李氏). Gyuhabchongseo (閨閤叢書). In Jung YW editor. 1987. PoChinChai Printing Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea. pp 53-145. Anonymous. Banchandeungsok. In Kim HS, Ji MS, Kim EH, Park KR editors. 2013. Chongjusi, Chongju, Korea. p 82.

If an original is referenced:

Jeongbuin Andong Jangssi. 2007.Eumshikdimibang. ADNET, Gyeongsangbukdo, Korea. pp 126-130.


Our journal uses the SI system (often referred to as International Units) for reporting most units of measurement.
The following list may be helpful.
Length5 nm, 5 cm, 5 mm, 5 μm, 5 nm
Weight5 kg, 5 g
Volume5 m3, 5 cm3, 5 L, 5 mL, 5 μL
Time5 yr, 5 wk, 5 day, 5 hr, 5 min, 5 sec
Concentration5 M, 5 mM, 5 μM, 5 N, 5 ppm, 5 ppb
Temperature30℃, 300K
Energy5 kcal, 5 j, 5 kj
Pressure5 atm, 5 mmHg, 5 kg/cm2, 5 Pa
Rotation and frequency10,000 cycle, 600 hertz, 5,000 rpm, 10,000 ×g
pHpH 7.4
Dextrose equivalentD.E.
AbsorbanceA 280, O.D. 280
Boiling pointbp
Melting pointmp
Standard deviationSD
Standard errorSE
Molecular weightMW, Da
Viable bacterial or fungal number3 CFU, 3 CFU/mL, 3 CFU/g
Viscosity15 cp, g/cm,
Percent35%, 35%(w/v), 35%(v/v), 35 mg%
Range0.3~0.9 g


The following abbreviations may be used without definition. For other abbreviations or acronyms, spell out the words at first use and give the abbreviation in parentheses.

A - absorbancen - number of samples
AA - atomic absorption NIR - near infrared
ANOVA - analysis of variance NMR - nuclear magnetic resonance
BU - Brabender unit o.d. - outside diameter
db - dry basis PAGE - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
DSC - differential scanning calorimetry PCA - principal component analysis
FID - flame ionization detectorPLS - partial least squares
FTIR - Fourier transform infrared Rf - ratio of spot to front in TLC
GC - gas chromatographyrh - relative humidity
HMW - high molecular weight RI - refractive index
HPLC - high-performance liquid chromatographySD - standard deviation
i.d. - inside diameter SDS - sodium dodecyl sulfate
IR - infrared SE - standard error
LC - liquid chromatographySEM - standard error of the mean
LMW - low molecular weight SPE - solid phase extraction
LS - least squares TLC - thin layer chromatography
LSD - least significant difference UV - ultraviolet
MS - mass spectrometry VIS - visible
MW - molecular weight wb - wet basis

Publication Fee, Reprints, Subscription Fee, and etc.

The publication fee is 50,000 won per page, based on the galley proof (PDF file). For articles exceeding 10 pages, a flat fee of 500,000 won will be charged. This fee covers the costs of editing tables and figures, proofreading the English abstract and references, XML file conversion, and Crossref services. Any errors found after publication are the responsibility of the author(s). Aspects not specified above are to be decided by the editorial committee and confirmed by the board of directors.

Contact Information of the Editorial Office

Address: The Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science
#412 Yeoksam Hyundai Venturetel, 20, Teheran-ro 25-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06132, Korea

Tel: +82-10-7441-4188

E-mail: kfcs11@hanmail.netWebsite: http://www.ekfcs.org/

Tel: +82-70-4244-8126 Fax: +82-2-6974-1627E-mail: kfcs11@hanmail.net

Copyright Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science