Major Components ( Organic acids , Alcohols , Fusel Oil ) and Sensory Properties of Traditional Ewhaju during Brewing 전통 이화주 양조 중의 주요성분 ( 유기산 , 알코올 , Fusel Oil ) 및 관능적 품질 특성
김정옥 , 김종군 Jung Ok Kim , Jong Goon Kim
10(1) 1-7, 1994
Major Components ( Organic acids , Alcohols , Fusel Oil ) and Sensory Properties of Traditional Ewhaju during Brewing 전통 이화주 양조 중의 주요성분 ( 유기산 , 알코올 , Fusel Oil ) 및 관능적 품질 특성
김정옥 , 김종군 Jung Ok Kim , Jong Goon Kim
Major quality parameters(organic acids, alcohols, fusel oil and sensory characteristics) of traditional Ewhaju were investigated during brewing. In organic acid contents at immediately after brewing, lactic acid was 155.1 ㎎%, malonic acid was 5.4 ㎎%, succinic acid was 8.9 ㎎%, acetic acid was 7.6 ㎎%, oxalic acid was 1.3 ㎎%, citric and tartaric acid was 27.8 ㎎% and pyruvic acid was 4.8 ㎎ but in 100 days after brewing and one year aged, lactic acid was 1763.3 and 3059.3 ㎎%, malonic acid was 12.3 and 19.3 ㎎%, succinic acid was 11.5 and 23.1 ㎎%, acetic acid was 29.2 and 73.1 ㎎%, oxalic acid was 0.6 and 0.2 ㎎%, citric and tartaric acid was 298.3 and 639.6 ㎎%, and pyruvic acid were 1.1 and 0.3 ㎎%, respectively. All the alcohol contents increased as the fermentation period increased; the ethyl alcohol was only 0.05% at immediately after brewing. In the alcohols content of Ewhaju at 100 days after brewing, the ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol n-propyl alcohol and iso-butyl alcohol were 5.13%, 47.56 ppm, 37.25 ppm and 19.51 ppm, respectively, Also in the one year aged Ewhaju, the ethyl alcohol was 9.39%, methyl alcohol was 36.34 ppm, Fusel oil was not detected in the first stage of brewing, but it was detected 1.12 ㎎% at 100 days after brewing and 1.18 ㎎% at one year stored sample. A general trend in change of color was almost white immediatly after brewing but a increase in Hunter "b" value and "a` value were observed depending on brewing time prolonged. Taste and overall paratability of Ewhaju after 100 days of brewing were significantly superior(p<0.05, p<0.01).
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Effects of hydration pretreatment on small molecule amphiphiles ( SMA ) at two levels in reduced - calorie cake systems 수화 전처리에 따른 양쪽성 저분자 유화제 ( Small Molecule Amphiphile ) 의 첨가 수준이 저 열량 케익 체계에 미치는 영향
김혜영 , 셋서케롤 Hye Young Kim , Carole Setser
10(1) 8-12, 1994
Effects of hydration pretreatment on small molecule amphiphiles ( SMA ) at two levels in reduced - calorie cake systems 수화 전처리에 따른 양쪽성 저분자 유화제 ( Small Molecule Amphiphile ) 의 첨가 수준이 저 열량 케익 체계에 미치는 영향
김혜영 , 셋서케롤 Hye Young Kim , Carole Setser
The effects of small molecule amphiphiles(SMA) at 1.5 and 15% levels were compared with or without heating to 65℃ and cooling pretreatment in modified reduced-calorie cake systems. The SMA used were monoglycerides(MG), sorbitan monosterate(SMS), Vanall^R, polysorbate 60(PS60), sucrose ester(SE) F10, F70, and F160. Low batter specific gravities with high cake volumes were noted with the high levels of treated SMS, MG, and SE F10 and F70 or cakes with treated low levels of SE F160, F70 and PS 60. Cake volumes with the treated low levels of SEF160, F70, and PS 60 were comparable to cake volumes when using an untreated high level of Vanall^R.
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The Features of Eating Habit in Pervasive Development Disorder Children 전반적발달장애 아동의 식습관 양상
박금순 , 정철호 Geum Soon Park , Chul Ho Jung
10(1) 13-17, 1994
The Features of Eating Habit in Pervasive Development Disorder Children 전반적발달장애 아동의 식습관 양상
박금순 , 정철호 Geum Soon Park , Chul Ho Jung
The purpose of this study was to show the abnormal eating habit in pervasive development disorder (PDD) children. The authors studied retrospectively the features of eating habit in 60 PDD children diagnosed by DSM-III-R who made their first visity to Department of Psychiatry, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University, from January 1990 to December 1990. The results were as follows; 1. The average was 3 years, onset age of illness was before 3 years of all patients, and the ratio between male and female was 5.7:1, and ratio between autistic disorder and PDDNOS was 4:1. 2. Twenty four of 60 PDD children had one or more abnormal eating habit(autistic disorder; 43.8%, PDDNOS; 25%), and more prevalent to male(43.1%) than female(22.2%). 3. Milk, biscuit, meat and fluids were the favorate foods, the unfavorate foods were vegetable, rice, frutis. 4. Patients of abnormal eating habit were more symptoms of DSM-III-R on `lack of awareness`, `preoccupation with parts of objects`, `distress over change` and `insistence on routine` than others.
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A study on the Improvement of Menu Patterns of Gruels as Soft Diet in Hospital Foodservice Operation 병원 급식의 죽식 (粥食) 식단 개선에 관한 조사 연구
이춘자 Choon Ja Lee
10(1) 18-23, 1994
A study on the Improvement of Menu Patterns of Gruels as Soft Diet in Hospital Foodservice Operation 병원 급식의 죽식 (粥食) 식단 개선에 관한 조사 연구
이춘자 Choon Ja Lee
This study was carried on the analysis of nutritional value and preference between the plain gruel (Hyun Jook) and the experimental gruel (Tarak Jook, Jangkook Jook & Chajohonhab Jook) in order to improve the quality and variety of menu patterns of gruels for the patients requiring soft diet. The results obtained are as follows: 1. In comparing the calorie coutent of each gruel, Tarak Jook, Jangkook Jook, and Chajohonhab Jook had more calories-82.7%, 39.3% and 12.4% respectively-than Hyun Jook. Additionally, in the case of protein content, Tarak Jook, Jangkook Jook and Chajohonhab Jook showed higher values than Hyun Jook by 270%, 137% and 28.3% respectively. 2. The preference for each experimental gruel compared with Hyun Jook, as a function of taste, color and concentration of the gruels was shown to be insignificant. But the color and concentration did effect the preference level for each gruel. Howerer, patients did have a preference for particular gruels: Jankook Jook, Tarak Jook, Chajohorhab Jook in descending order. 3. Overall, 65.6% of the patients requiring soft diet thought gruel was only for the sick 57.1.% thought the reason for gruel as a soft diet was that it could be digested easily 75.8% of the patients disliked gruel and their frequency of intake was very low 78.8% did not know more than 5 types of gruel. Howerer patients did prefer a loose gluel(48.4%). In couclusion, awareness of gruel as a soft diet for patients and its intake as one not to meution as a normal diet was low.
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Effects of β - Carotene on the Browning of Phenolics Extracted from Potato and Polyphenol Oxidase Characteristics 감자에서 추출한 phenolics 의 갈변화에 미치는 β - Carotene 의 영향과 polyphenol oxidase 특성
김미정 , 이창용 M . J . Kim , C . Y . Lee
10(1) 24-28, 1994
Effects of β - Carotene on the Browning of Phenolics Extracted from Potato and Polyphenol Oxidase Characteristics 감자에서 추출한 phenolics 의 갈변화에 미치는 β - Carotene 의 영향과 polyphenol oxidase 특성
김미정 , 이창용 M . J . Kim , C . Y . Lee
The effects of synthetic and carrot carotene on the browning of polyphenolics extracted from potato for eliminating the effects of other components in potato which inhibit the browning of potato juice and the potato polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity were investigated. Total phenolics content in potato sample was 1.854 ㎎/g D.W. and PPO activity was 100 unit. Delta `L` value of polyphenolics extracted from potato decreased makedly, but that of potato with carrot decreased little by little. Potato with β-carotene showed a little decrease after 50 min. At the same time, polyphenolics extracted from potato were mixed with carotene extracted from carrot or with syntetic β-carotene. As the results, the delta `L` value of the former increased but decreased similarly to the latter after 1 hour. The effects of enzyme and substrate concentration on the browning of PPO extracted from potato were investigated. Optimum enzyme concentration was 10% and optimum substrate concentration was 13.3%. β-carotene concentration did not appear to influence significantly on PPO activity.
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The Changes of Component in Traditional Korean Soy Sauce During Ripening Period (1) 숙성기간에 따른 재래 간장의 성분변화 (1)
정혜정 , 손경희 Hea Jung Chung , Kyung Hee Sohn
10(1) 29-34, 1994
The Changes of Component in Traditional Korean Soy Sauce During Ripening Period (1) 숙성기간에 따른 재래 간장의 성분변화 (1)
정혜정 , 손경희 Hea Jung Chung , Kyung Hee Sohn
In this stydy, Korean traditional Meju adjusted with: the salt contents of 12%, 16%, 20% and the ripeming periods of 90, 135 and 180 days. The results were summerized as follows; 1. The changes of moisture content in soy sauce by 16% salt content was slightly high and the protein was 5.88 by 12% salt content 2. As the ripening periods was increased, the pH was decreased, on the other hand the total acidity was increased slightly. 3. In the 180 day ripened sample, the salt content increased and the 12% salt content represented 30.6% salt content. 4. The reduced sugar decreased 135 day ripening, but it increased 180 day ripening at 12%, 16%, 20% salt content. 5. The amino acid content siginificantly decreased by salt content (Serine, Arginine), ripeming periods (Glutamic acid, Asparagine, Glycine, Threomine, Alanine, Methionine, Valine, Isoleucine, Lysine) and ripening time and salt content (Phenylalanine, Leucine) 6. The Fe content decreased 12% salt content while it increased 16% 20% salt content. 7. According to the ripening time, there were significant changes in color, clearance, taste, flavor and over all acceptabilities. As the lower the acceptabilities on flavor or taste increased.
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Effect of Kimchi Submaterial on the Growth of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum 김치 부재료가 Leuconostoc mesenteroides 및 Lactobacillus plantarum 의 생육에 미치는 영향
조영 , 이진희 Young Cho , Jin Heui Yi
10(1) 35-38, 1994
Effect of Kimchi Submaterial on the Growth of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum 김치 부재료가 Leuconostoc mesenteroides 및 Lactobacillus plantarum 의 생육에 미치는 영향
조영 , 이진희 Young Cho , Jin Heui Yi
The growth extent of Leu. mesenteroides and Lac. plantarum in the medium which contain sterilized extract of each of garlic, red pepper powder, and onion was examined. Garlic and onion decreased the growth of Leu. mesenteroides and Lac. plantarum, and garlic represented more negative effect on the growth of Lac. plantarum than that of onion. Red pepper powder had negative effect on the growth of Lac. plantarum, and positive effect on the growth of Leu. mesenteroides in accordance with incubation processing.
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Characteristics of Doenjang made from Different Material and Ratio of Koji 고오지의 종류와 배합을 달리한 된장의 특성
최경숙 , 이혜수 Kyung Sook Choi , Hei Soo Rhee
10(1) 39-44, 1994
Characteristics of Doenjang made from Different Material and Ratio of Koji 고오지의 종류와 배합을 달리한 된장의 특성
최경숙 , 이혜수 Kyung Sook Choi , Hei Soo Rhee
For the purpose of supplying the basic knowledge to make Doenjang which is acceptable to Korean people three kinds of koji, namely rice, wheat, and soybean Koji were made with Aspergillus oryzae. Then Doenjangs were made with four different ratio of three Kinds of Koji. Components related to the taste of Doenjang were analyzed, sensory evaluation of Doenjang were made, and cerrelation between analytical variables and sensory parameters were investigated. The results were as followed 1. Total nitrogen contents of each Doenjang were increased with increasing the ratio of Koji except Doenjang made with soybean Koji. The amounts of amino nitrogen increased with the ratio of koji increases in each Doenjang. Amino nitrogen contents of Doenjang made with soybean Koji were higher than the others, 2. Reducing sugar contents of rice and wheat Doenjang were similar, but amounts were increased with increasing the ratio of Koji Reducing sugar contents of Soybean Doenjang were lower than the others. pH of the Doenjangs decreased as the ratio of the koji increased. The amount of sweet taste amino acids and MSG like amino acids were increased, but bitter taste amino acids were decreased as the ratio of the koji increased in rice and wheat Doeujang, The sweet taste amino acids and bitter taste amino acids in soybean Doenjang showed little Changes in amount, but the amount of MSG like amino acids increased as the ratio of the Koji increased from 13% to 25%, 37%, and 50%. The nucleotide contents of wheat Doenjang were higher than other Doenjangs, and there is a tendency to increase the amounts of nucleotide as increasing the ratio of koji in each Doenjang. 3. As a result of sensory evaluation, wheat Doenjang of 13% koji ranked highest in the overall eating quality, and Doenjangs made with 50% and 37% of rice koji ranked next, 4. pH and sweet tast amino acids influenced on the Overall eating quality of the Doenjang, however most components of the Doenjang seemed to relate to overall eating quality of Doenjang, however most components of the Doenjang seemed to relate to overall eating quality of Doenjang.
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Characteristics of bitter peptides from Doenjang 된장의 쓴맛 펩타이드 특성
홍혜정 , 이혜수 Hye Jeong Hong , Hei Soo Rhee
10(1) 45-50, 1994
Characteristics of bitter peptides from Doenjang 된장의 쓴맛 펩타이드 특성
홍혜정 , 이혜수 Hye Jeong Hong , Hei Soo Rhee
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Changes in lipid component and quantitative measurement of carbonyl compound during Doenjang fermentation 된장 숙성 중 지질의 변화 및 카보닐 화합물의 함량 변화
강정희 , 이혜수 Jeong Hee Kang , Hei Soo Lee
10(1) 51-56, 1994
Changes in lipid component and quantitative measurement of carbonyl compound during Doenjang fermentation 된장 숙성 중 지질의 변화 및 카보닐 화합물의 함량 변화
강정희 , 이혜수 Jeong Hee Kang , Hei Soo Lee
Conventional Doenjang, improved Doenjang prepared with Asp. oryzae were made to investigate the changes in the lipid content, and the carbonyl compounds during fermentation. Total lipid contents of conventional Doenjang increased slowly during fermentation, and that of the improved Doenjang increased at first, but showed sharp decrease at moment and then increased. Triglyceride contents of all samples decreased remarkedly during fermentation. Conversely, free acid contents increased. From the result of quantitative analysis of fatty acid by gas chromatography, saturated fatty acid ratio of total lipid in conventional Doenjang increased at early stages and then decreased, but unsaturated fatty acid ratio showed the reverse phenomenon. Saturated fatty acid in improved Doenjang increased during the fermentation but unsaturated fatty acid decreased by degrees. The concentration of total and monocarbonyl compounds in the fermented Doenjang were comparably higher than that found in raw Doenjang. Sensory evaluation revealed that off flavor had a negative effect on overall eating quality of Doenjang and total carbonyl content was related to the off flavor.
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Antioxidative Effect of Methionine and Lysine on Oil Rancidity 유지의 산화에 대한 Methionine 과 Lysine 의 항산화 효과
박성원 , 안명수 Seong Weon Park , Myung Soo Ahn
10(1) 57-62, 1994
Antioxidative Effect of Methionine and Lysine on Oil Rancidity 유지의 산화에 대한 Methionine 과 Lysine 의 항산화 효과
박성원 , 안명수 Seong Weon Park , Myung Soo Ahn
Soybean oil and lard containing different level (0.02, 0.1, 1%) of methionine, lysine and some antioxidants (TBHQ, α-tocopherol) were stored at 60℃ and heated at 180℃ to compare their antioxidative effects. Peroxide values (POV) and acid values (AV) of each oil were monitored. Methionine and lysine showed antioxidative effects in all concentration and the higher concentration, the higher effect. In case of incubating antioxidative effect of methionine was similer to that of TBHQ and that of lysine was considerably higher than that of α-tocopherol, but was lower than that of methionine. In case of heating the antioxidative effects of methionine and lysine were showed higher than those of TBHQ and α-tocopherol. Methionine and lysine also had higher antioxidative effects in animal fat than in vegetable oil. Synergistic effects among methionine, lysine and some food antioxidants were shown to be available in all substrates and the best effect was shown in substrate added compound of methionine and α-tocopherol.
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Changes of antioxidative properties according to the heat - treatment of ginger extracts 생강추출물의 열처리에 따른 항산화성 변화
이진영 , 안명수 Jin Young Lee , Myung Soo Ahn
10(1) 63-70, 1994
Changes of antioxidative properties according to the heat - treatment of ginger extracts 생강추출물의 열처리에 따른 항산화성 변화
이진영 , 안명수 Jin Young Lee , Myung Soo Ahn
Oleoresin, 6-gingerol and 6,10-gingerol: 6-paradol= 1 : 1 mixture were extracted from ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and changes of its antioxidant activity by heat-treatment were studed. Oleoresin was extracted with Ethanol-Ether and 6,10-gingerol : 6-paradol(1 : 1) and 6-gingerol were extracted with Hexane and Hexane : Ether=1 : 1, respectively, and identified on the Thin-layer Chromatograpy (TLC) plate with the solvent system of Hexane : Ether(1 : 4, v/v). And oleoresin was heat-treated during 0, 10, 30, 60, 120 minutes, and 6-gingerol and 6,10-gingerol : 6-paradol=1 : 1 were heat-treated during 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 minutes, respectively, at 140℃ dry oven. To compare with antioxidant activity, oleoresins were added into soybean oil at 3% level, 6-gingerol and 6,10-gingerol: 6-paradol=1 : 1 at 0.1% level, BHT and TBHQ at 0.02% level, respectively. All the substrates treated were stored in a incubator at 45.2℃ condition. The oxidative stability was estimated by the analysises of peroxide value and conjugated diene value during storage. The results were as follows: Antioxidant activity of oleoresins were considerably high and by heat-treatment were not decreased. 6-paradol was not show the antioxidant activity. 6,10-gingerol: 6-paradol=1 : 1 provided poor protection for soybean oil. Antioxidant activity of 6-gingerol was higher than 6,10-gingerol : 6-paradol=1 : 1 and by heat-treatment antioxidant activity was directly decreased. Relative antioxidant effectiveness(RAE) of each antioxidant was compared. RAE was found to decrease as follow : TBHQ>oleoresin≫BHT TBHQ≫BHT> 6-gingerol≫6,10-gingerol : 6-paradol=1 : 1
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Scientific Study for the Standardization of the Preparation Methods for Kyongdan (4) - for the focus on the volume of water and volume of slat - 경단 조리법의 표준화를 위한 조리과학적 연구 (4) - 첨가하는 물의 양과 소금의 양을 중심으로 -
한경선 , 김기숙 Kyoung Sun Han , Ki Sook Kim
10(1) 71-75, 1994
Scientific Study for the Standardization of the Preparation Methods for Kyongdan (4) - for the focus on the volume of water and volume of slat - 경단 조리법의 표준화를 위한 조리과학적 연구 (4) - 첨가하는 물의 양과 소금의 양을 중심으로 -
한경선 , 김기숙 Kyoung Sun Han , Ki Sook Kim
This study attempted to examine the effect on sensory characteristics and texture of Kyongdan in various volume of adding water and volume of adding salt the most favorite tendency on the guality was at the 25% adding water and 1∼1.5% adding salt. Evaluation was conducted through sensory evaluation and objective evaluation The results were summarized as follows. 1. In sensory evaluation on various volume of water and volume adding salt the most favorite tendency on the gualtity was at the 25% adding water and 1∼1.5% adding salt. 2. This condition corresponded to the low level of hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess, chewiness and high level of springiness in comparison with Instron measurement. In summary the most favorite factor is 12 hours soaking time, 25% adding water (hot water), 1∼1.5% adding salt, over 50 times kneading.
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Gelatinization and Gelation of Cowpea Starch 동부전분의 호화 및 겔화 특성
김향숙 Hyang Sook Kim
10(1) 76-79, 1994
Gelatinization and Gelation of Cowpea Starch 동부전분의 호화 및 겔화 특성
김향숙 Hyang Sook Kim
This study was carried out to examine changes in morpholgy and crystallinity of cowpea starch during preparation of chongpo-mook(starch gel food). It was known by photomicroscopy under polarized light and X-ray diffractometry that cowpea starch had lost its crystallinity at the temperature range of 70∼75℃. It also was obserbed by scanning electron microscopy that overall shape of starch granules was maintained inspite of swelling to considerable extent at the range of 65∼75℃ , however, granules were folded after solubles were extracted out of them above 85℃. Mechanism of gelation seemed to be formation of junction zones stabilied by groups of weak H-bonds, not by recrystalliztion according to the results of DSC thermogram of reheating of sample pan after cooling and X-ray diffractogram of reheated cowpea starch gel.
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Gelatinization Properties of Legume , Cereal and Potato Starches 두류 , 곡류 및 감자전분의 호화 특성
김향숙 , 안승요 Hyang Sook Kim , Seung Yo Ahn
10(1) 80-85, 1994
Gelatinization Properties of Legume , Cereal and Potato Starches 두류 , 곡류 및 감자전분의 호화 특성
김향숙 , 안승요 Hyang Sook Kim , Seung Yo Ahn
Studies were carried out to investigate physicochemical and gelatinization properties of legume, cereal and potato starches. Cowpea, mung bean, acorn, and buckwheat starches showed similar moisture content and amylose content, however, there is neither similarity nor certaion trend in WBC, swilling power, and solubility among them. DSC thermograms of cowpea, mung bean, acorn, and buckwheat starches showed similar patterns with two endothermic peaks and relatively broad gelatinization ranges. SEM photomicrography of gelatinized cowpea, mung bean, acorn and buckwheat starches showed highly swollen and extremely disintegrated, folded structure.