The Analysis of the Foodservice Productivity in the Welfare Facilities for the Elderly - The Analysis of the Relationship Between Independent Variables and the Foodservice Productivity - 노인복지시설의 급식생산성 분석 - 제1보 노인복지시설 급시생산성과 관련이 높은 변수 -
주나미Na Mi Joo,전희정Hui Jung Chun
15(1) 1-7, 1999
The Analysis of the Foodservice Productivity in the Welfare Facilities for the Elderly - The Analysis of the Relationship Between Independent Variables and the Foodservice Productivity - 노인복지시설의 급식생산성 분석 - 제1보 노인복지시설 급시생산성과 관련이 높은 변수 -
주나미Na Mi Joo,전희정Hui Jung Chun
The purposes of this study were to analyze the relationship between 12 independent variables and the foodservice productivity in the welfare facilities for the elderly. The results of the study were summarized as follows; 1. 67.2 percentage of surveyed welfare facilities for the elderly were not managed by dietitians, so menu planning, food purchasing, management of eqipment and facilities, sanitary practice, and management of work were administered nonsystematically. 2. From the results of factor analysis of variables related to the affecting productivity, 5 factors were generated and the factors were named `foodservice scale`, `human resourcs`, `use of food`, `use of equipment` and `use of document`, and then the relation between the factor variables and productivity was examined by multiple regression anlysis.
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The Analysis of the Foodservice Productivity in the Welfare Facilities for the Elderly - The Estimation of the Work Measurement by the Work Sampling Methodology - 노인복지시설의 급식생산성 분석 - 제2보 노인복지시설의 워크샘플링에 의한 작업측정 -
주나미Na Mi Joo,정희선Hee Sun Jeong,전희정Hui Jung Chun
15(1) 8-15, 1999
The Analysis of the Foodservice Productivity in the Welfare Facilities for the Elderly - The Estimation of the Work Measurement by the Work Sampling Methodology - 노인복지시설의 급식생산성 분석 - 제2보 노인복지시설의 워크샘플링에 의한 작업측정 -
주나미Na Mi Joo,정희선Hee Sun Jeong,전희정Hui Jung Chun
The purposes of this study were to estimate the work measurement by the work sampling methodology. The results of the study were summarized as follows; The percentage of labor activities based on the analysis of work sampling were as follows; 1) In the A welfare facilities for the elderly, direct work function, indirect work function and delay were 68.28%, 8.73%, 22.99%, respectively. 2) In the B welfare facilities for the elderly, direct work function, indirect work function and delay were 70.04%, 9.42%, 20.54%, respectively.
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Effects of Food Intakes on Dental Caries in Primary School Students 초등학교 아동의 식품섭취실태가 치아우식에 미치는 영향
The relation between food intakes and dental caries was investigated with 211 primary school students (83 boys and 128 girls) in Kumsan area. The results were as follows. The rate of dental caries of the subjects was 65.4%, 83.9% of the subjects had a snack, 69.5% of students having a snack and 44.1% of students having not snack was dental caries (p<0.001). For tooth brushing numbers per day, 38.4% of subjects was one time, and 61.6% was more than two times. For tooth brushing time, 31.8% had before meals and 68.2% after meals. The intake frequency rate of main food was cooked rice 33.30%, ramyun 14.81%, bread 9.57%, rice cake 6.16%, nodule 4.88% in good group, and cooked rice 27.04%, rice cake 12.04%, ramyun 8.50%, bread 8.11%, fried rice 5.49% in dental caries group. The intake frequency rate of a side dish was kimchi 13.88%, egg 6.21%, dried layer 5.51%, fish paste 5.51%, fish 5.03%, kongjaban 0.44% in good group, and potato soup 6.86%, cucumber 6.56%, sprout soup 5.78%, bean curd 5.33%, sesame leaf 5.21%, lettuce 1.23% in dental caries group. The intake frequency rate for snack was ice cream 9.85%, biscuit 7.35%, gum 6.17%, chestnut 6.16%, apple 5.81%, milk 5.56%, yogurt 4.86%, gypo 4.39%, candy 4.15%, chocolete 3.91% in good group, and biscuit 10.00%, ice cream 6.75%, candy 5.88%, fruit canned food 5.70%, milk 5.41%, corn 5.00%, banana 5.00%, peanut 4.42%, fritter 4.39% in dental caries group. The rate of cariogenic food, detergent food, protective food in a side dish were 4.0%, 40.8%, 55.1% in good group, and 11.5%, 43.9%, 44.6% in dental group respectively (p<0.001). The rate of cariogenic food, detergent food, protective food in a snack 67.8%, 10.4%, 21.7% in good caries group, and 75.3%, 8.8%, 15.9% in dental caries group respectively (p<0.001).
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Perception of Native and Prohibitive Foods in Hansan-Do Area 한산도 지역의 향토음식과 금기식품에 대한 인식
박영선Young Sun Park
15(1) 23-36, 1999
Perception of Native and Prohibitive Foods in Hansan-Do Area 한산도 지역의 향토음식과 금기식품에 대한 인식
박영선Young Sun Park
The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinds of native and prohibitive foods in Hansan-Do area. The kinds of the prohibitive foods and the reason prohibiting those from pregnant or lactating woman, fisherman and sick people were surveyed by using a questionnaire from 1994 to 1998. The results showed that Chungmu Gimbab was perceived highly as a native foods and the reason for prohibiting specific foods was not based on scientific evidences.
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Studies on Bread-Making Quality of Colored Rice ( Suwon 415 ) Flours 유색미 ( 수원 415호 ) 가루의 제빵성 검토
강미영Mi Young Kang,남연주Yeon Ju Nam
15(1) 37-41, 1999
Studies on Bread-Making Quality of Colored Rice ( Suwon 415 ) Flours 유색미 ( 수원 415호 ) 가루의 제빵성 검토
강미영Mi Young Kang,남연주Yeon Ju Nam
Colored rice (Suwon 45) flour was evaluated as a bread flour by the addition of 10% gluten on 3% hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose to check the processing adaptability. Both of these additives led to a successful formation of rice bread. Textural characteristics of colored rice bread crumb baked with 3% hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose revealed lower hardness and chewiness, however, the one with 10% gluten revealed the higher springiness. The retrogradation of colored rice bread during storage was not significantly different from that of wheat bread. Sensory evaluation showed that the crumb texture of bread baked with 3% hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose had softer texture and poor distribution of air-pore size but its springiness was not significantly different from that of wheat bread.
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A Survey of Japanese Perception and Preference for Kimchi 김치에 대한 일본인의 인식 및 기호도 조사
한재숙Jae Sook Han , 최영희Young Hee Choi , 김영진Young Jin Kim , 김태선Tae Sun Kim , 한준표Joon Pyo Han , 남출융구Takahisa Minamide , 강좌지자Sachiko Oka , Etsuko Kotsukue
15(1) 42-49, 1999
A Survey of Japanese Perception and Preference for Kimchi 김치에 대한 일본인의 인식 및 기호도 조사
한재숙Jae Sook Han , 최영희Young Hee Choi , 김영진Young Jin Kim , 김태선Tae Sun Kim , 한준표Joon Pyo Han , 남출융구Takahisa Minamide , 강좌지자Sachiko Oka , Etsuko Kotsukue
The purpose of this study was to investigate Japanese perception and preference for Kimchi. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 605 Japanese (male 224, female 381) residing in Kobe, Kyoto, Osaka, Himezi, and Tokyo. Of the respondents, 90.2% have not visited Korea however, 83.3% experienced Korean food. On their first impression of Kimchi, 56.9% answered that it was `good`, and 65.4% answered `good` for their after taste impression. Total 92.7% of the respondents, answered nationality of kimchi is `Korea`. The most familiar kimchi is Baechu kimchi, and they preferred the part from white stem of the Chinese cabbage. On their perception of kimchi, `Kimchi is stamina food` had the highest score of 4.17±1.11 from male and 4.25±0.85 from female, respectively. Their favorite sub-materials were red pepper (37.4%), radishes (33.6%) and garlic (28.4%), and unfavorable sub-materials were anchovy (28.4%) and garlic (16.5%). The most popalar dishes using Kimchi were Kimchi Ramyun (84.0%) and Kimchi Bokumbab (60.7%).
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Physical and Sensory Characteristics of Persimmon Jam Prepared with Enzyme Treated Persimmon Juice 효소 처리한 감쥬스로 제조한 감잼의 물리적 및 관능적 특성
김종군Jong Goon Kim,최희숙Hee Sook Choi,김우정Woo Jung Kim,오훈일Hoon Il Oh
15(1) 50-54, 1999
Physical and Sensory Characteristics of Persimmon Jam Prepared with Enzyme Treated Persimmon Juice 효소 처리한 감쥬스로 제조한 감잼의 물리적 및 관능적 특성
김종군Jong Goon Kim,최희숙Hee Sook Choi,김우정Woo Jung Kim,오훈일Hoon Il Oh
The persimmon puree was hydrolyzed with commercial polysaccharide hydrolyzing enzymes, Viscozyme and Celluclast and jam was prepared with the enzyme treated persimmon juice by addition of pectin. The textural characteristics of the jam were studied for the effects of pectin addition and storage temperature. When the persimmon jam was prepared with the enzyme treated juice with addition of pectin(2.2-3.0%), the hardness of the gel was stabilized at the addition level of more than 2.8% as measured by %sag. The hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, and gumminess were also significantly increased as the amount of pectin addition increased, whereas the cohesiveness and elasticity did not change significantly. The gel prepared with the puree hydrolyzed with Celluclast generally showed higher hardness, gumminess and adhesiveness and less cohesiveness and elasticity than those treated with Viscozyme. Higher temperature (17℃) caused a significant decrease in most of the textural properties except elasticity. Results of sensory test showed the orange colors was much improved by the Celluclast treatment, while other characteristics such as total acceptability and texture were not significantly different.
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Antioxidative Effect of Phenolic Acids in Defatted Perilla Flour on Soybean Oil 탈지들깨박 중 페놀산의 대두유에 대한 항산화 효과 (1)
안명수Myung Soo Ahn,조희숙Hee Sook Cho
15(1) 55-60, 1999
Antioxidative Effect of Phenolic Acids in Defatted Perilla Flour on Soybean Oil 탈지들깨박 중 페놀산의 대두유에 대한 항산화 효과 (1)
안명수Myung Soo Ahn,조희숙Hee Sook Cho
Free phenolic acid, soluble phenolic acid ester and insoluble bound phenolic acid were extracted from defatted perilla flour. Their antioxidative effects were compared with those of BHA, AP and TBHQ for soybean oils by measuring acid and peroxide values at 60℃ for 25 days. The patterns of these extracts were compared by using gas chromatography. Free phenolic acid and soluble phenolic acid ester extracts showed a higher antioxidative effects than BHA and AP. Among phenolic extracts, free phenolic acid showed the most effective antioxidant activity in soybean oil. Six types of free phenolic acid, 3 types of soluble phenolic acid ester, and 2 types of insoluble phenolic acid were found in the extract.
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Effects of Salting Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Kakdugi Fermentation 깍두기의 절임방법이 발효숙성 중 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
장명숙Myung Sook Jang,김나영Na Young Kim
15(1) 61-67, 1999
Effects of Salting Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Kakdugi Fermentation 깍두기의 절임방법이 발효숙성 중 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
장명숙Myung Sook Jang,김나영Na Young Kim
The effects of salting methods on Kakdugi (cubed radish kimchi) fermentation were evaluated. Kakdugi was prepared with various salting methods, salt concentrations, and settling times, and fermented at 10℃ for up to 52 days. Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cubes (2 cm size) were salted by using the following methods salt concentration of about 1.5% which was known appropriate for the organoleptic quality of Kakdugi; 1) Treatment S-1: applying dry salt uniformly onto the radish cubes, with a salt concentration of about 1.5% (w/w) and cured for 1 hr, 2) Treatment S-5: applying dry salt uniformly onto the radish cubes, with a salt concentration of about 1.2% (w/w) and cured for 5 hr, 3) Treatment B-1: brining radish cubes in a 8.5% (w/v) salt solution for 1 hr, 4) Treatment B-5: brining radish cubes in a 4.0% (w/v) salt solution for 5 hr. As the fermentation continued, the initial high decrease in pH has been retarded in all the treatments, of which the delaying extent was more significantly noted from B-1 and B-5 than S-1 and S-5. The pH of the Kakdugi which showed a good eating quality dropped to 4.3∼4.8 with the accumulation of total acids. Total vitamin C increased sharply at the palatable period of Kakdugi during the initial fermentation and then decreased gradually following a sigmoidal changing pattern. The reducing sugar levels were also influenced by salting methods and fermentation as sugars are converted into acids. High initial contents of reducing sugars and their subsequent rapid decrease were observed in "S" group than "B" group during fermentation. For nonvolatile organic acids, lactic acid increased consistently throughout the fermentation while malic acid, which was high at the initiation of fermentation, decreased rapidly afterwards at the palatable period of Kakdugi.
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Shelf-life Extension of Noodle and Rice Cake by the Addition of Plantain 질경이 첨가가 국수와 떡의 저장성 향상에 미치는 영향
김건희Keun Hee Kim,오석태Suk Tae Oh,정해옥Hae Ok Jung,한영실Young Sil Han
15(1) 68-72, 1999
Shelf-life Extension of Noodle and Rice Cake by the Addition of Plantain 질경이 첨가가 국수와 떡의 저장성 향상에 미치는 영향
김건희Keun Hee Kim,오석태Suk Tae Oh,정해옥Hae Ok Jung,한영실Young Sil Han
Dried plantain (Plantago asiatica L.) was evaluated as a natural food preservative. The methanol extract of dried plantain at the concentration of 2,000 ㎍/㎖ completely inhibited the growth of B. subtilis, L. monocytogenes and V. parahaemolyticus. When the extract was added to noodles and rice cakes at the concentration of 1, 3 or 5%, less microbial growth was observed compared with the control group. While the noodles with 1% plautain extract were evaluated favorable in terms of color, chewiness and overall guality, 3% addition of the extract gave the best score for rice cakes.
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Effects of Sweeteners and Enzyme Treatments on the Quality Attributes of Soy Yogurt Containing Soy Protein Isolate 당의 종류와 효소처리가 분리대두단백으로 제조한 대두요구르트의 품질특성에 미치는 영향
이숙영Sook Young Lee,오경남Kyong Nam Oh
15(1) 73-80, 1999
Effects of Sweeteners and Enzyme Treatments on the Quality Attributes of Soy Yogurt Containing Soy Protein Isolate 당의 종류와 효소처리가 분리대두단백으로 제조한 대두요구르트의 품질특성에 미치는 영향
이숙영Sook Young Lee,오경남Kyong Nam Oh
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of enzyme treatments on the functional properties of soy protein isolate (SPI) and to examine the quality attributes of soy yogurt prepared by different enzyme treatments, sweeteners and starter cultures. Enzyme treatment increased the solubility and emulsifying capacity of soy proteins, but decreased the emulsifying stability; the enzymatic activity of α-chymotrypsin was higher than that of trypsin. Enzyme treatments decreased the pH of soy yogurts prepared by both culture methods, the culture of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus and the culture of L. bulgaricus and K fragilis, but increased the titratable acidity, total numbers of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Trypsin was more effective than α-chymotrypsin in decreasing pH and increasing titratable acidity and total numbers of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Fructose decreased the pH of soy yogurts more than sucrose in the culture of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, and vice versa in the culture of L. bulgaricus and K. fragilis. Fructooligosaccharides were more effective in the culture of L. bulgaricus and K fragilis than in the culture of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus in increasing the titratable acidity, total count of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. In sensory evaluation, soy yogurts containing trypsin treated SPI, fructose and fructooligosaccharides (75% : 25%) were more acceptable than those containing untreated or trypsin treated SPI and fructose. This was because of more smooth and less sour, in which the values of pH, titratable acidity, microbial growth, and viscosity were in the range of commercial yogurts. Soy yogurts fermented by L. bulgaricus and K fragilis showed more smooth mouthfeel than those fermented by L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus.
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A Study on the Food Habits and Dietary Behaviors among the Korean Elderly 한국노인의 식습관 및 식사행동에 관한 조사 연구
안숙자Sook Ja Ahn,강순아Soon Ah Kang
15(1) 81-94, 1999
A Study on the Food Habits and Dietary Behaviors among the Korean Elderly 한국노인의 식습관 및 식사행동에 관한 조사 연구
안숙자Sook Ja Ahn,강순아Soon Ah Kang
As the elderly population has increased in the advanced countries, food intake, relationship of nutrient intake and disease has become major problem in the aged. To investigate the dietary behaviors and the preference of food of the elderly for developing meal planning, the study was conducted through survey questionnaires including 24hr dietary recall, dietary behaviors, food preference and frequency of food intake to 352 elderly (104 male and 248 female) who were more than 60 years old and living in Seoul. Most of subjects ate three meals regulary and the most preferred taste was sweet and the less preferred taste was sour. Dietary behaviors according to educational level were shown that the skipping meal time and duration time of one meal were significant difference in educational level. Most of the elderly subjects like kimchi and soybean paste soup. The more educated elderly were preferred milk. The reason of dislike of milk was bad flavor and diarrhea. Most of them who graduated from university and high school selected fishes because of good for health primary, otherwise no educated, elementary school and middle school graduated elderly selected vegetables primary. Meats, fishes, seaweeds, mushrooms, fruits, milk and milk products, eggs and vegetables intakes of total elderly subjects were significantly positively related to educational level. With respect to milk and milk products intakes, cheese, yogurt (curd) and milk intake of elderly was significantly negatively related to age. Therefore education for developing desirable dietary behaviors and improving the meal patterns should be in forced to elderly, especially who had poor educational background in order to manage the meal planning and to care for their health in the later life.