Development of Traditional Korean Snack , Dasik Using Angelica gigas Nakai 국내산 참당귀를 이용한 다식 제조에 관한 연구
이소라So Ra Lee,김건희Gun Hee Kim
17(5) 421-425, 2001
Development of Traditional Korean Snack , Dasik Using Angelica gigas Nakai 국내산 참당귀를 이용한 다식 제조에 관한 연구
이소라So Ra Lee,김건희Gun Hee Kim
This study was carried out to develop a traditional Korean snack, Dasik, using Angelica gigas Nakai. Angelica gigas Nakai has been used as a medicinal herb which is grown wild in mountain areas or cultivated in Korea, and known to have various functional effects, especially on a women`s disease. As an useful food resource, Angelica gigas Nakai was used to prepare Dasik along with soybean powder and black sesame seeds powder. The quality characteristics of Dasik were measured by sensory evaluation and food compositions and antioxidant activity were analyzed. In the results, Dasik prepared with black sesame seeds powder with 20% Angelica gigas Nakai powder was the most favored, especially by the women`s group of 30∼40s in age. The composition of this Dasik was water 11.85%, ash 3.4%, crude protein 14.10% and crude fat 23.44%. The functional components of Angelica gigas Nakai were 2.23 ㎎/g of phenolic compounds and 9.9 ㎎/g of flavonoids. Antioxidant activity of Angelica gigas Nakai was 53.14% at 0.1 g/㎖ concentration.
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The Quality Characteristics of Rice - Com Cakes 옥수수 가루를 첨가한 Rice - Corn Cakes 의 특성에 관한 연구
김영인Young In Kim
17(5) 426-430, 2001
The Quality Characteristics of Rice - Com Cakes 옥수수 가루를 첨가한 Rice - Corn Cakes 의 특성에 관한 연구
김영인Young In Kim
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of adding corn flour on the quality of rice cakes. Rice-corn cakes were prepared by adding corn flour at 25%, 50% and 75%, and the quality characteristics were measured. In the expansion ratio, springiness and cohesiveness of rice-corn cakes, the 25% group(C-25) was the highest and the 75% group(C-75) was the lowest. The higher the ratio of adding corn flour was, the lower the expansion ratio, springiness and cohesiveness were. In the hardness and chewiness of rice-corn cakes, the 75% group(C-75) was the highest and the 25% group(C-25) was the lowest. But in the taste, texture and overall acceptance of rice-corn cakes, the 50% group(C-50) was the best.
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Quality Characteristics of Jeung - Pyun ( Korean Rice Cake ) According to the Type and Amount of the Oligosaccharide Added 올리고당 종류와 첨가량에 따른 증편의 품질 특성
이은아Eun Ah Lee,우경자Kyung Ja Woo
17(5) 431-440, 2001
Quality Characteristics of Jeung - Pyun ( Korean Rice Cake ) According to the Type and Amount of the Oligosaccharide Added 올리고당 종류와 첨가량에 따른 증편의 품질 특성
이은아Eun Ah Lee,우경자Kyung Ja Woo
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of oligosaccharide addition on Jeung-Pyun fermentation. Fructooligoaccharide (FOS), isomaltooligosaccharide (IMOS), galactooligosaccharide (GOS) were used at the concentration of 15%, 25% or 35% of the rice in Jeung-Pyun ingredients. The physicochemical properties, sensory evaluation and instrumental characteristics were examined. The internal structure of Jeung-Pyun samples was observed by SEM. The pH of Jeung-Pyun batters was decreased as the fermentation progressed. Compared with the control using sucrose, the specific volume of Jeung-Pyun was higher in the 15% and 25% of oligosaccharide-added samples. The degree of gelatinization decreased more slowly than control as the storage time increased both at 20℃ and 4℃. In sensory evaluation, Jeung-Pyun with FOS and IMOS at the levels of 25∼35% and GOS at the levels of 25% showed the best scores. In instrumental characteristics, springiness, gumminess, hardness and cohesiveness were similar among all samples during storage at 20℃ and 4℃. In the internal structure of Jeung-Pyun observed by SEM, Jeung-Pyun substituted with oligosaccharide at the levels of 25% for sucrose showed large and regularly distributed air pores. In conclusion, the replacement of sucrose with oligosaccharide in Jeung-Pyun ingredients appeared acceptable in terms of fermentative aspects.
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Dietary behaviors and food perception of Koreans living in Seoul by age and gender 서울지역 주민의 연령 , 성별에 따른 식사행동 및 식품인식도 비교
박주원Joo Won Park,안숙자Sook Ja Ahn
17(5) 441-455, 2001
Dietary behaviors and food perception of Koreans living in Seoul by age and gender 서울지역 주민의 연령 , 성별에 따른 식사행동 및 식품인식도 비교
박주원Joo Won Park,안숙자Sook Ja Ahn
Korean food habits, dietary behaviors and perception of food were compared according to gender and age. The subjects were composed of 274 males and 315 females. According to age, the age group of 10s was 26.3%, 20s 24.6%, 30s 16.8%, 40s 18.7%, and 50s and over 13.6%, respectively. The majority (65.2%) of all age groups except the 20s took meals 3 times a day and the ratio 20s eating twice a day was higher than other age groups. All age groups took cooked rice(bap) two or three times a day and the 20s group took smaller amount than other age groups did. The younger age groups of 10s and 20s took larger amount of processed food. The older age groups appeared to have higher frequency of eating fish, bean, vegetable, Kimchi, layer·brown seaweed, soybean oil, sesame oil, coffee, tea, and rice cake(ddhuk). The younger groups have the higher frequency of eating ramyeon, corn flake, milk, milk-processed food, butter·margarine, ham ·sausage, carbonated drink, candy·chocolate, hamburger, and pizza. All age groups perceived cooked rice(bap), meat, fish, egg, vegetable, fruit, and Kimchi to be the delicious, excellent and healthy food. According to the above results, age groups of 30s and over had relatively better food habits compared with those of younger groups. On the other hand, the groups of 10s and 20s had meals irregularly, showed a high ratio of skipping meals, and took processed food much. These results raised a concern of their nutritional imbalance in the future. Therefore, the correct nutritional education must be conducted to make these age groups have a healthy food habits.
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Analysis of Umbelliferaeceae Wild Plants and Antioxidative Activity of Pork Meat Products Added with Wild Plants 미나리과 산채의 성분분석 및 육가공품에 대한 항산화 효과 - 참당귀 , 들미나리 , 고수 -
허수진Soo Jin Heo,양미옥Mi Ok Yang,조은자Eun Ja Cho
17(5) 456-463, 2001
Analysis of Umbelliferaeceae Wild Plants and Antioxidative Activity of Pork Meat Products Added with Wild Plants 미나리과 산채의 성분분석 및 육가공품에 대한 항산화 효과 - 참당귀 , 들미나리 , 고수 -
허수진Soo Jin Heo,양미옥Mi Ok Yang,조은자Eun Ja Cho
The proximate composition of 3 kinds of Umbelliferaeceae Wild Plants (Angelica gigas NAKAI, Ostericum sieboldii NAKAI. and Coriandrum sativum LINNAEUS) were analyzed and used for making pork sausages as a functional ingredient. In the proximate composition, crude protein content was the highest in Ostericum sieboldii, 37.87%, and crude lipid and crude ash contents were the highest in Coriandrum sativum. Vitamin C was contained in Angelica gigas at 0.30㎎%, but was not detected in Ostericum sieboldii and Coriandrum sativum. β-carotene content in Angelica gigas was the highest at 19.96%, but selenium was not detected in any of them. Total phenol content in Coriandrum sativum was the highest as 1107.43㎎%. TBA and VBN values of all sausages with wild plants increased gradually during four-week-storage and were lower than those of control. Coriandrum sativumadded sausage had the lowest TBA as well as VBN valuew. During the four-week-storage at 4℃, TBA value and VBN value were in the very safe range at all sample. Total phenol contents in sausages appeared to have more antioxidative activity than vitamin C, β-carotene and selenium, and consequently decreased the TBA values of sausages.
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Comparison of Spring Cultivars of Radish for Kakdugi Preparation 봄무 품종별 깍두기 가공 적성의 비교
김미리Mee Ree Kim,김진희Jin Hee Kim
17(5) 464-471, 2001
Comparison of Spring Cultivars of Radish for Kakdugi Preparation 봄무 품종별 깍두기 가공 적성의 비교
김미리Mee Ree Kim,김진희Jin Hee Kim
Physicochemical and sensory properties of kakdugi prepared with spring cultivars of radish were compared during fermentation. Among 5 cultivars, `Bagkwang`, `Chunhadaehyung` and `Bakbong`were heavier in average weight and longer in length than others. Sugar content and hardness were the highest in `91144` and `Bakbong`, while moisture content, in `Bagkwang` and `Bakbong`. During fermentation at 20℃ for 11 days, a great decrease in pH and great increase of acidity were observed in five kakdugi samples after day 2. The acidity of `Bagkwang` and `Housebommoo` increased rapidly after day 2 until day 5 and then reached around 1.04-1.08% (lactic acid) at day 11, while those of `91144` and `Bakbong` increased slowly until day 5, but after day 7 increased rapidly up to 1.2-1.3%(lactic acid). `91144` showed the highest `a` value(redness), but `Bagkwang`. the lowest. Decrease in hardness during fermentation was the least in `Bakbong`, while `Chunhadaehyung`, the greatest. The result of sensory evaluation suggested that`Bakbong` and `Housebommoo` were the best among spring cultivars of radish for kakdugi preparation.
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The Quality Assessment of Doenjang Added with Japanese apricot , Garlic and Ginger , and Samjang 부재료 ( 매실 , 마늘 , 생강 ) 첨가된장 및 쌈장의 품질평가
이경임Kyeoung Im Lee,문란주Ran Ju Moon,이수진Soo Jin Lee,박건영Kun Young Park
17(5) 472-477, 2001
The Quality Assessment of Doenjang Added with Japanese apricot , Garlic and Ginger , and Samjang 부재료 ( 매실 , 마늘 , 생강 ) 첨가된장 및 쌈장의 품질평가
이경임Kyeoung Im Lee,문란주Ran Ju Moon,이수진Soo Jin Lee,박건영Kun Young Park
The study was carried out to evaluate the sensory characteristics and physiological effect of Korean soybean paste (doenjang) added with Japanese apricot, garlic and ginger, and samjang. Garlic doenjang was shown to have a good taste, odor and color, but ginger doenjang was worse in the taste, odor and color than control doenjang in sensory evaluation. Japanese apricot doenjang and garlic doenjang had high scavenging activity against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, of which the IC_50 values were 93 and 94㎍/㎖, respectively. Five kinds of doenjang revealed antimutagenic activity against N-methyl-N`-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), and especially, samjang showed 83% inhibition at the concentration of 5mg/plate. Samjang exhibited a strong antimutagenic activity(79%) against aflatoxin B_1(AFB_1) in Salmonella typhimurium TA100. Ginger-, garlic- and Japanese apricot doenjangs also had high inhibitory effects against AFB_1, and the inhibition rates were 75, 55 and 51%, respectively. In SOS chromotest, samjang showed the highest antimutagenicity against MNNG, with 64% inhibition rate. These results demonstrated that samjang has strong a antimutagenic effect against MNNG and AFB_1.
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Quality of Popped Rice with Deep - frying for Salyeotganjung 유탕처리된 쌀엿강정용 팽화쌀의 품질
김명애Myoung Ae Kim
17(5) 478-482, 2001
Quality of Popped Rice with Deep - frying for Salyeotganjung 유탕처리된 쌀엿강정용 팽화쌀의 품질
김명애Myoung Ae Kim
This experiment was carried out to clarify the effect of frying temperature and gelatinization method on the quality of popped rice for Salyeotgangjung. Frying at 220℃ or 230℃ gave a good expansion and score of sensory evaluation. But the frying oil began to smoke at 230℃. There was no significant difference in the quality of popped rices between the treatments of minimum gelatinization after washing rice and moderate gelatinization after soaking for 80 minutes at 30℃. In conclusion, frying washed rice with minimum gelatinization at 220℃ would be considered as the best method for making Salyeotgangjung.
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Effects of Ripening on the Quality of Kimchi or Freeze - Dried / Rehydrated Kimchi 김치의 숙성이 김치 또는 동결건조 / 복원 제품의 품질에 미치는 영향
고영태Young Tae Ko,강정화Jung Hwa Kang
17(5) 483-489, 2001
Effects of Ripening on the Quality of Kimchi or Freeze - Dried / Rehydrated Kimchi 김치의 숙성이 김치 또는 동결건조 / 복원 제품의 품질에 미치는 영향
고영태Young Tae Ko,강정화Jung Hwa Kang
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of ripening on the quality of kimchi or freeze-dried/rehydrated kimchi. Kimchi stored/ripened at 0℃ for 120 days was taken at an interval of 10 days and freeze-dried/rehydrated with water. The number of lactic acid bacteria(LAB), shearing force and sensory properties of kimchi ripened (Raw sample) or kimchi ripened/freeze-dried/rehydrated (F/D sample) were observed. The results were as follows: (1) The number of LAB of Raw and F/D samples decreased slightly during ripening for 120 days, while the pH of both samples decreased. The number of LAB in kimchi decreased up to 6∼16% of the original value by freeze-drying. (2) Ripening for 120 days did not affect shearing force of kimchi while freeze-drying increased markedly its shearing force. (3) Although overall acceptability and taste of Raw and F/D samples decreased gradually, the degree of change between two samples was different. The odor of Raw and F/D samples decreased slightly during ripening for 120 days while the degree of change between two samples was similar after 70 days of ripening. Moistness of Raw and F/D samples was maintained relatively stable during ripening. Chewiness of Raw sample decreased during ripening for 120 days while that of F/D sample was not affected by ripening. Color of Raw and F/D sample was changed during ripening while the degree of change between two samples was not significant. It can be concluded that the change of some sensory properties between Raw sample and F/D sample was affected by ripening for 120 days while the change in the number of LAB, pH and shearing force between both samples was not affected markedly by ripening.
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Quality Characteristics of Pork by Cooking Conditions 돈육의 조리조건에 따른 품질 특성
박추자Chu Ja Park,박찬성Chan Sung Park
17(5) 490-496, 2001
Quality Characteristics of Pork by Cooking Conditions 돈육의 조리조건에 따른 품질 특성
박추자Chu Ja Park,박찬성Chan Sung Park
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ingredients(spices and medicinal plants) on the physicochemical properties of Pyunyuk, a Korean style-cooked pork. Pyunyuk samples were prepared by the following 5 cooking conditions: Control(pork, water), A(pork, water, soy sauce), B(pork, water, soy sauce, onion, ginger), C(pork, water, soy sauce, onion. ginegr, licorice, cinnamon) and D(pork, water, soy sauce, onion, ginger, licorice, cinnamon, clove and chestunt inner skin(CIS). The contents of ash, crude protein in loin and shank Pyunyuk were not significantly different among Pyunyuk samples, but crude fat content of C, D were significantly lower than control, A and B(p<0.05). In Hunter`s color values of Pyunyuk, the lightness(L) was decreased by the addition of multiple ingredients. whereas the redness was increased. In mechanical characteristics, the hardness of control was the highest among the samples(p<0.05). In sensory evaluation, sample D obtained the highest score in flavor, taste, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and overall acceptability(p<0.05), and it was most preferred by the panels. There were higher negative-correlations between mechanical hardness and sensory characteristics of flavor, taste, cohesiveness, gumminess, brittleness and overall acceptability. From these results, it could be concluded that Pyunyuk ingredients(herbs and medicinal plants) reduce the content of crude fat, increase the tenderness and improve the flavor and taste of pork during cooking.
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Purification and Characterization of Protease from Sarcodon aspratus ( Berk. ) S. Ito 능이버섯에서 분리한 Protease 의 정제와 특성
이정호Jong Ho Lee,정청송Chung Sung Jung,조재선Jae Sun Cho
17(5) 497-502, 2001
Purification and Characterization of Protease from Sarcodon aspratus ( Berk. ) S. Ito 능이버섯에서 분리한 Protease 의 정제와 특성
이정호Jong Ho Lee,정청송Chung Sung Jung,조재선Jae Sun Cho
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Textural Properties of Kakdugi by Salting Methods (1) - Water soluble pectin , PG activity , dietary fiber , total soluble solid - 절임방법에 따른 깍두기의 텍스쳐 특성 (1) - 수용성 펙틴 , PG 활성 , 식이섬유 , 총수용성고형분 -
김나영Na Young Kim,장명숙Myung Sook Jang
17(5) 503-509, 2001
Textural Properties of Kakdugi by Salting Methods (1) - Water soluble pectin , PG activity , dietary fiber , total soluble solid - 절임방법에 따른 깍두기의 텍스쳐 특성 (1) - 수용성 펙틴 , PG 활성 , 식이섬유 , 총수용성고형분 -
김나영Na Young Kim,장명숙Myung Sook Jang
The effects of salting methods on textural properties of Kakdugi were evaluated during fermentation at 10℃ for up to 52 days. Kakdugi samples were prepared by 4 different salting methods at final salt concentration of 1.5%, which is appropriate for organoleptic quality. The salting methods for radish cubes(2㎝ size) of Kakdugi were as follows; 1) Treatment S-1: spraying dry salt uniformly on to the radish cubes at 1.5%(w/w) and holding for 1 hr, 2) Treatment S-5: spraying dry salt uniformly on to the radish cubes at 1.2%(w/w) and holding for 5 hr, 3) Treatment B-1: brining radish cubes in a 8.5%(w/v) salt solution for 1 hr, 4) Treatment B-5: brining radish cubes in a 4.0%(w/v) salt solution for 5 hr. The contents of water soluble pectin, total soluble solid and PG activity were increased as the fermentation periods increased. A majority of total dietary fiber(TDF) consisted of soluble dietary fiber(SDF), and the amount of insoluble dietary fiber(IDF) was relatively small in Kakdugi during fermentation. Furthermore, an increase in SDF and a consequent decrease in IDF contents were observed with the fermentation time increased.
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A Study on the hydroponic cultivation of Chinese cabbage for kimchi 김치용 배추의 수경재배에 관한 연구
한덕철Duck Chul Han,문성원Sung Won Moon,김혜자Hye Ja Kim,조재선Jae Sun Cho
17(5) 510-516, 2001
A Study on the hydroponic cultivation of Chinese cabbage for kimchi 김치용 배추의 수경재배에 관한 연구
한덕철Duck Chul Han,문성원Sung Won Moon,김혜자Hye Ja Kim,조재선Jae Sun Cho
Hydroponic cultivation is a technology of raising crops without use of soil. Generally farmers use the method of DFT(deep flow technology)to grow leafy or fruity vegetables; however, systematic and scientific researches are insufficient on this matter. This study investigated the possibility of cultivating Chinese cabbage steadily year long by using the method of DFT. Chinese cabbage was cultivated hydroponically with and without Ge addition, used to prepare kimchi. and the chemical and microbiological characteristics of kimchi were compared. The basic hydroponic cultivation condition was as follows: 30 days after seeding, the raised seeds were moved to a hydroponic bed and given underground water for 3 days so the roots grow normally. Standard nutrient solution was provided and the early electric conductivity concentration was maintained between 1.5∼2.5 thickness. The temperature of the solution was maintained between 10∼25℃ to allow the growth of Chinese cabbage. When soil-cultivated, organically cultivated and hydroponically cultivated Chinese cabbages were compared, hydroponically cultivated cabbages were smaller in size and showed less ability to build up and fold leaves into a head, but showed better quality than organically cultivated cabbages. The contents of protein and fat showed no significant differences. The contents of water, Ca, P, Fe, Vitamin A and Niacin were higher in control and Ge-added cabbages compared with soil-grown cabbage. There was no difference between soil-cultivated Chinese cabbage kimchi and hydroponically cultivated Chinese cabbage kimchi.
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Changes of Nucleotides and their Related Compounds in Cultured and Wild Red Sea Bream and Flounder muscle 양식 및 자연산 도미와 넙치 어육 중의 핵산 관련물질의 변화
이경희Kyung Hee Lee,이영순Young Soon Lee
17(5) 517-522, 2001
Changes of Nucleotides and their Related Compounds in Cultured and Wild Red Sea Bream and Flounder muscle 양식 및 자연산 도미와 넙치 어육 중의 핵산 관련물질의 변화
이경희Kyung Hee Lee,이영순Young Soon Lee
Changes of nucleotides and their related compounds in raw, cooked and frozen fish muscle were studied with HPLC. Red sea bream(cultured and wild) and flounder(cultured, cultured with Obosan^R and wild) were used for this study. In nucleotides, contents of ATP was similar to that of IMP and some of HxR(inosine) and Hx(hypoxanthine) were existed in fresh muscle. ATP was decomposed rapidly and contents of IMP became different between cultured and wild fish after 6 hours. The content of IMP was lower in the cultured red sea bream(3.39μ mole/g) and flounder(3.17μ mole/g) than in the wild red sea bream(7.31μ mole/g) and flounder(5.03μ mole/g). But, the flounder cultured with Obosan^R contained the largest amounts of IMP. After 24 hours, K values of cultured fish muscle(27.7%, 28.2%) were higher than that of wild ones(22.8%, 24.3%). The K value of cultured flounder fed with 0.3% Obosan^R(25.7%) was between cultured and wild flounder. IMP was the one which existed the most in cooked and frozen muscle. Amounts of HxR and Hx were more in cooked and frozen muscle than in raw muscle. From these results, we could suggest that the wild one was more palatable and fresher than the cultured one and the palatability of cultured one seemed to be improved depending on the feed.
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The Sensory and Textural Characteristics of Chicksulgi 칡가루를 첨가한 칡설기의 재료배합비에 따른 관능적 , 텍스쳐 특성
구소영So Young Gu,이효지Hyo Gee Lee
17(5) 523-532, 2001
The Sensory and Textural Characteristics of Chicksulgi 칡가루를 첨가한 칡설기의 재료배합비에 따른 관능적 , 텍스쳐 특성
구소영So Young Gu,이효지Hyo Gee Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensory and mechanical characteristics of Chicksulgi by adding arrowroot flour. In the sensory evaluation of Chicksulgi, the acceptance for the color, flavor and overall quality was the best when 5% arrowroot flour was added. As a result of textural analysis, the springness, chewiness, gumminess, and hardness of Chicksulgi were decreased with the increase of added arrowroot flour. The more arrowroot flour was added, the redness and yellowness of Chicksulgi were increased. The moisture content of 5% arrowroot flour-added Chicksulgi was higher than that of 15% arrowroot flour.