Studies on the Physiological and Sensory Properties of Herb Bread 허브를 첨가한 빵의 물성학적 및 관능적 특성 연구
박인덕 Park In Deog , 정동옥 Jeong Dong Og
19(5) 539-545, 2003
Studies on the Physiological and Sensory Properties of Herb Bread 허브를 첨가한 빵의 물성학적 및 관능적 특성 연구
박인덕 Park In Deog , 정동옥 Jeong Dong Og
The physiological and sensory properties of breads, prepared with wheat flour substituted with various herbs, were evaluated. The specific gravities and maximum heights of the breads increased when the wheat flour was supplemented with 1% rosemary, lemon balm or lavender, and with 3% rosemary, but not with 3% lemon balm or lavender. The fermentation and cooling losses of the breads with added herbs were smaller than those of the control, but there was no significant difference in the baking loss. The lightness of the breads decreased with increases in the herb contents. In the texture measurements for the breads, the hardness decreased slightly on the addition of 1% of the herb powders, but increased on the addition of 3% of the herb powders. As for the results of the sensory evaluation, the overall acceptances of the breads with 3% added herbs were higher than those of the control and 1% added herb breads. The addition of herbs to the breads inhibited the growth on fungi, and the more herbs sobstituted, the higher the degrees of this inhibition. The moisture contents were slightly increased, and the staling rates during storage at 25℃ decreased, in breads with added herbs. These results suggest that the shelf-lives of the breads were extended by the addition of herbs.
Key Words
physiological, sensory properties, herb, bread
A Study on the Take-Out Food Usage of University Students in Seoul and Some Regions in Gyeonggi-do 서울,경기 일부지역 대학생의 Take-out Food 이용실태
유성은 Yu Seong Eun , 한영실 Han Yeong Sil , 주나미 Ju Na Mi
19(5) 546-554, 2003
A Study on the Take-Out Food Usage of University Students in Seoul and Some Regions in Gyeonggi-do 서울,경기 일부지역 대학생의 Take-out Food 이용실태
유성은 Yu Seong Eun , 한영실 Han Yeong Sil , 주나미 Ju Na Mi
This study was designed to identify the teke-out food usage of university students in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Questionnaires were used to analyze these habits among 500 respondents. 1. The Frequency of Take-Out Food use: the greatest proportion of students useds take-out foods once or twice a week (33.8%). 2. The reasons for Take-Out Food use: fastness was the major reason (47.8%). 3. The day of the week for Take-Out Food use: the majority of the students used Take-Out foods regardless of the day (54.4%). 4. The time of day for Take-Out Food use: 6~8 p.m. for 31.6%. 5. The cost spent in each meal: 51.6% spent 3,000 to under 5,000 won. 6. The menus of Take-Out Food used: coffee was the most popular of all the take-out foods (43.6%). 7. Points considered when buying Take-Out Food: the majority of the college students thought tastes and quality of the foods were the most important considerations (51.0%). 8. The source of information about Take-Out Food: 43.4% of the students obtained information from their friends.
Key Words
Take-out Food, Franchise
Effect of Applying Pretreatment Methods before cooking for decreasing the Microbiological Hazard of Cooked Dried fish in Foodservice establishments 건어물을 이용한 조리음식의 미생물학적 위해 감소를 위한 조리 전처리 적용 효과
배현주 Bae Hyeon Ju , 이재학 Lee Jae Hag , 오세인 O Se In
19(5) 555-561, 2003
Effect of Applying Pretreatment Methods before cooking for decreasing the Microbiological Hazard of Cooked Dried fish in Foodservice establishments 건어물을 이용한 조리음식의 미생물학적 위해 감소를 위한 조리 전처리 적용 효과
배현주 Bae Hyeon Ju , 이재학 Lee Jae Hag , 오세인 O Se In
The purpose of this study was to analyze the microbiological hazards of dried fish (Jwieochae,0jingeochae and Bugeochae), and to apply pretreatment methods to increase the safety of cooked dried fish within foodservice establishments. Microbiological inspections were conducted on Total Plate Count, Coliforms, E. coli, E. coli 0157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. The study results are summarized as follows. According to the Hazard analysis, there are many problems showing high numbers in terms of Total Plate Count and Coliforms, which were both well over acceptable standard levels. E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus were detected at certain foodservice establishments, while E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Listeria momocytogenes were not detected at all. By applying various Pretreatment methods, such as washing, blanching, panfrying and microwave heating, the levels of microbiological hazards were able to be controlled and lowered. Blanching was the most effective method, followed by panfrying, microwave heating and washing. The Total Plate Counts gradually decreased with increasing number of times washed and seconds panfried. From these results, it is concluded that to guarantee food safety, cooked dried fish raw materials should be kept hygienically and appropriate pretreatment methods applied before cooking.
Research on the comparison on the ritual food of Gyeonggi and Gyungsangbuk-do province 경기와 경북지역의 제수 비교 연구
김정미 Kim Jeong Mi , 장성현 Jang Seong Hyeon , 김종군 Kim Jong Gun
19(5) 562-570, 2003
Research on the comparison on the ritual food of Gyeonggi and Gyungsangbuk-do province 경기와 경북지역의 제수 비교 연구
김정미 Kim Jeong Mi , 장성현 Jang Seong Hyeon , 김종군 Kim Jong Gun
The awareness of ritual foods in general rituals were surveyed and compared in the Gyeonggi and Gyungsangbuk-do areas in order to identify the characteristics of Korean rituals and establish desirable ritual foods. As materials for "Jeon" (fried pan cakes) in rituals, fish fillets, meat and vegetables were largely used in the Gyeonggi region. In the Gyeongbuk region, all three of these ingredients were the most highly used for "Jeon" also. In the case of rice cakes, "Songpyun" steamed on a layer of pine needles, "JeolPyun" and "Sirudduk", with a red beans, were mostly used in Gyeonggi-do, while "Songpyun", "Jeolpyun" and "Ingelmi" were largely used in Gyeongsangbuk-do. As seasoned vegetables and herbs, fernbrakes, root of bell flowers, green bean sprouts and bean sprouts were largely used in Gyeonggi-do region, whereas, fernbrakes, bean sprouts, root of bell flowers and spinaches were mainly used in Gyeongbuk region. The use of fernbrakes was highest in both regions. With regard to the number of side dishes, 2~3 kinds of seasoned herbs and 3~4 kinds of fruits were mostly used, but with slightly higher numbers in the Gyeongsangbuk-do than the Gyeonggi-do region. With regard to liquor used for rituals, clear strained rice wine was used most in the Gyeonggi-do area, while more unrefined rice wine was used in the Gyeongbuk region. Meat was the most used ingredient in broth slices of dried meat and cod were highly used in the Gyeonggi region, but slices of dried squid were most widely used in the Gyeongbuk region. Most households in both regions tended not to use raw fish in the rituals, and as for the ingredients of Korean Kabobs, meat was the most widely used, then fish and finally vegetable were the most used ingredients. Beef soup was the most used, but more green vegetable soup was used in the Gyeongbuk than the Gyeonggi region. Sweet drink made from fermented rice (sikhe) was generally used in the rituals. It was the most widely used in the Chusok-Hangawi Ritual in the Gyeonggi region, while it was used in the New Year`s Ritual in the Gyeongbuk region.
Key Words
Ritual food, Gyunggi and Gyungbuk province, Tang, Main and side Dish
The Study on the Characteristic of Cooked Rice According to the Different Coating Ratio of Mulberry Leaves Extracts 뽕잎추출액코팅농도에 따른 뽕잎쌀밥의 품질에 관한 연구
김애정 Kim Ae Jeong , 노정옥 No Jeong Og , 우경자 U Gyeong Ja , 최원석 Choe Won Seog
19(5) 571-580, 2003
The Study on the Characteristic of Cooked Rice According to the Different Coating Ratio of Mulberry Leaves Extracts 뽕잎추출액코팅농도에 따른 뽕잎쌀밥의 품질에 관한 연구
김애정 Kim Ae Jeong , 노정옥 No Jeong Og , 우경자 U Gyeong Ja , 최원석 Choe Won Seog
The purpose of this study was to assess the optimum coating ratio for rice, using various ratios of mulberry leaves extract, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0%, and to determine the optimum ratio of added water, in proportion to the total weight of mulberry rice. The moisture content of the soaked rice, and the optimum water uptake rate, moisture content of the cooked rice, as well as its blue and color values, mechanical characteristics, internal structure and sensory evaluation, were analyzed. The statistical data analyses were completed using the SAS program. The results are summarized as follows: The moisture content of mulberry rice was less than that of raw rice. The average optimum water uptake of the soaked mulberry rice at the different water temperatures, 10, 20 and 30℃, was 20% of the total weight of the raw mulberry rice. As for the results of the sensory evaluation; 140% water, in proportion to the total weight of raw mulberry rice, was judged to be the optimum. The average moisture content of the cooked mulberry rice was 45~50%, but there was no significant difference in the various coating ratios. The blue value of the cooked mulberry rice awas highest on the first day of cooking. The L- and a-values decreased with increasing coating ratio, but the b-value increased under the same conditions. As for the mechanical characteristics,; the adhesiveness, hardness and springiness decreased during 2 days of storage. The internal structure of the mulberry rice, observed by SEM, showed a close structure on increasing the coating ratios of mulberry leaves extracts. It was concluded that the optimum coating ratio of mulberry rice and ratio of added water for cooking whereas 1.5 and 140%, respectively, in proportion to the total weight of raw mulberry rice.
Key Words
mulberry leaves extracts, rice, optimum coating ratio
Measuring Preferences of University Students for Family Restaurants in the Eastern Part of Chonnam 전남 동부권 패밀리레스토랑에 대한 대학생들의 선호도 평가
강종헌 Kang Jong Heon
19(5) 581-590, 2003
Measuring Preferences of University Students for Family Restaurants in the Eastern Part of Chonnam 전남 동부권 패밀리레스토랑에 대한 대학생들의 선호도 평가
강종헌 Kang Jong Heon
The purpose of this study was to identify the combinations of factors combinations conferring the highest utility of family restaurants to university students, and establish the relative importance of these factors in terms of their contribution to total utility. 196 of 200 questionnaires were utilized for the analysis. (Eds note: to whom were the questionnaires administered) Frequencies, crosstabs, and the conjoint, max. utility, BTL and Logit models, K-means cluster and one-way ANOVA analysesis, and the Friedman test were the statistical methods used for this study. The findings from this study were as follows: 1) the Pearson`s R and Kendall`s tau statistics (Eds note: these were not mentioned earlier) show that the model(Eds note: which model is this) fits the data well. 2) it was found that of all the respondents, especially the first and third clusters, regarded both the type of food and the price as very important factors. 3) it was found that all the respondents, especially the third cluster, most preferred a family restaurant (design and simulation) that provided less than 6 fusion and traditional foods. The first cluster most preferred family restaurant (design) that provided over 10 traditional and less than 6 ethnic foods. The second cluster most preferred a family restaurant (design and simulation) that provided over 10 traditional foods. 4) the results of the study have provided some insights into the effective types of family restaurant designs that can be successfully developed by those who manage menu variety, quality and type of food, price, and quality of service to university students dining at family restaurants.
Key Words
family restaurant, conjoint model, preference, factor, utility
The Effect of Jujubi, Ginseng and Garlic on the TBA value and microbial count of Samgaetang during Refrigerated Storage 대추, 마늘, 수삼이 냉장 저장한 삼계탕의 산패와 미생물증식에 미치는 영향
박옥주 Park Og Ju , 김나영 Kim Na Yeong , 한명주 Han Myeong Ju
19(5) 591-595, 2003
The Effect of Jujubi, Ginseng and Garlic on the TBA value and microbial count of Samgaetang during Refrigerated Storage 대추, 마늘, 수삼이 냉장 저장한 삼계탕의 산패와 미생물증식에 미치는 영향
박옥주 Park Og Ju , 김나영 Kim Na Yeong , 한명주 Han Myeong Ju
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ingredients on the change of Samgyetang quality during refrigerated storage. The Samgyetang was prepared with five treatments. The five treatments were chicken cooked alone (T1), cooked with jujubi, ginseng and garlic (T2), cooked with jujubi (T3), cooked with ginseng (T4) and cooked with garlic (T5). The TBA values of the Samgyetang over 4 days of refrigerated storage were T1(0.89) > T3(0.74) T5(0.74) > T4(0.57) > T2(0.42). The total plate counts of the Samgyetang in the T2 and T3 treatments were lower than with the other treatments. The coliform counts of the Samgyetang in the T2 and T5 treatments were lower than with the other treatments. The results from this study showed that ginseng had an antioxidant activity, jujubi lowered the total plate count and garlic lowered the coliform count in refrigerated Samgyetang. Therefore, the addition of these ingredients maintains the quality of Samgyetang during refrigerated storage.
Key Words
Samgyetang, jujubi, ginseng, garlic
Changes in Chemical Composition of Radish bud (Raphanus sativus L.) during Growth Stage 성장시기별 무순의 화학적 조성 변화
한진희 Han Jin Hui , 문혜경 Mun Hye Gyeong , 김종국 Kim Jong Gug , 김귀영 Kim Gwi Yeong , 강우원 Kang U Won
19(5) 596-602, 2003
Changes in Chemical Composition of Radish bud (Raphanus sativus L.) during Growth Stage 성장시기별 무순의 화학적 조성 변화
한진희 Han Jin Hui , 문혜경 Mun Hye Gyeong , 김종국 Kim Jong Gug , 김귀영 Kim Gwi Yeong , 강우원 Kang U Won
The chemical components of radish buds were investigated during the growth stage. The vitamin C and total phenol contents were lowered after 4 days of early sprout growth, and were 22.19 and 4.99 mg%, respectively.These increased according to the growth time, showing the highest value on day 8, 25.85 and 17.87 mg%, respectively. However, these values decreased around day 12, which seemed to be the bud end point. The major free sugar component of the radish buds was glucose, showinged the highest content on day 8. The total organic acid content gradually increased as the growth proceeded. The detected oxalic acid content was only small on day 8. During the early growth stage, the total and essential amino acids contents were 3,020~3,575 and 1,206~1,499 mg, respectively. These contents tended to decrease with growth time. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and alanine were the major amino acid components (39%).
Key Words
Radish bud, amino acid, vitamin C, total phenol, free sugar
Comparison of the Chemical Compositions of Korean and Chinese Safflower Flower(Carthamus tinctorius L.) 한국산과 중국산 홍화꽃의 화학적 성분조성비교
박금순 Park Geum Sun , 박어진 Park Eo Jin
19(5) 603-608, 2003
Comparison of the Chemical Compositions of Korean and Chinese Safflower Flower(Carthamus tinctorius L.) 한국산과 중국산 홍화꽃의 화학적 성분조성비교
박금순 Park Geum Sun , 박어진 Park Eo Jin
In approximate composition, crude protein, lipid, ash, crude fiber, and N-free extract constituted 14.70%, 3.10%, 6.90%, 18.20%, and 57.10%, respectively, in Korean safflower flowers, compared to 12.60%, 2.70%, 5.80%, 16.40% and 62.50%, respectively, in Chinese safflower flowers. This indicated that Korean safflower flowers surpassed their Chinese counterparts except in terms of N-free extract. Free sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose were proven to be dominant in both domestic and Chinese safflower flowers, while little xylose was contained. For content of polyphenolic compound, Korean safflower flowers contained 13.85% water soluble extract and 9.70% MeOH extract, compared to 9.39% and 7.04%, respectively, for the Chinese variety, confirming the higher levels in the Korean variety. For fatty acids, (Ed- the following results are not presented in ratio form) saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids comprised 6.80% and 93.20% in Korean safflower flowers and 16.0% and 84.0% in Chinese safflower flowers, respectively. Linoleic, oleic, and palmitoleic acids comprised 75.30%, 11.60%, and 3.40% in Korean safflower flowers, and 66.70%, 11.20%, and 6.10% in the Chinese variety, respectively. Of amino acids, essential amino acids comprised 46.67% in Korean safflower flowers and 36.79% in the Chinese variety. Moreover, total essential amino acids in Korean safflower fiowers were higher than those of their counterparts. Non-essential amino acid comprised 65.17% in the Korean variety and 54.49% in the Chinese. In terms of mineral content, Korean safflower flowers contained more Ca, Cu, Fe and Mn than those of China, while Chinese safflower flowers contained more Al, Ba, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Sr and P.
Quality Characteristics of baechu Kimchi Salted with Recycled Wastebrine 재활용 절임수로 제조한 배추 김치의 특성
윤혜현 Yun Hye Hyeon , 이숙영 Lee Sug Yeong
19(5) 609-615, 2003
Quality Characteristics of baechu Kimchi Salted with Recycled Wastebrine 재활용 절임수로 제조한 배추 김치의 특성
윤혜현 Yun Hye Hyeon , 이숙영 Lee Sug Yeong
In the Kimchi manufacturing industry, the process of brining baechu produces a vast amount of high salinity waste water. To study if this brine can be recycled, the quality characteristics of Kimchi salted by waste brine (F), which was used five times successively, was compared with those salted using water after recycling filtration through sand (Fl) and activated carbon (F2) columns. No significant difference in the salinity and soluble solid contents, during fermentation at 10℃ was observed among the samples, but the salinity and soluble solid contents of the F-sample were slightly higher than in the control. The Fl and control Kimchi showed similar pHs and titratable acidities, while the F-Kimchi had a lower pH and a higher acidity during fermentation. The numbers of total viable cells were highest in the F, and lowest in the F2-Kimchi, while the counts of lactic acid bacteria were lowest in the F-Kimchi. The sensory tests for appearance, odor, taste and overall acceptance showed that the F-Kimchi was the least desirable, the F2-Kimchi had lower sour odor and taste, and a higher toughness, than the others. The Fl- and control Kimchi had similar sensory grades for appearance, odor, and tastes, and there were no significant difference in the overall acceptance, showing the possibility of recycling waste waters as brine for the production of baechu Kimchi.
Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Barley Bran β-glucan 보리겨 β-glucan의 추출 및 이화학적 특성
김선영 Kim Seon Yeong , 유정희 Yu Jeong Hui
19(5) 616-623, 2003
Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Barley Bran β-glucan 보리겨 β-glucan의 추출 및 이화학적 특성
김선영 Kim Seon Yeong , 유정희 Yu Jeong Hui
Waxy barley brans were collected during the pearling process. The extraction of β-glucan from barley bran was effected by the extraction conditions. The β-glucan content increased with temperature, but not with pH. The highest yield, 6.5%, was achieved at pH 7.0 and 55℃. At pH 10 and 45℃, 48.5% of the β-glucan in barley bran was recovered in the gum product, with 54.6% purity. The protein and starch contamination were high, reaching 13.6 and 23.7%, respectively. The β-glucan content was greatest in the subaleurone and aleurone regions (bran fractions 1, 2, 3 and 4), and declined considerably toward the inner layers. A monosaccharide analysis of the purified, β-glucan, from bran fractions 1, 2, 3 and 4, indicated that glucose constituted the majority of the gum. The small amounts of the arabinose and xylose found in the gum may indicate the presence of arabinoxylans as minor constituents. The molecular weights of the β-glucans isolated from bran fraction 1, 2 and 3 were found to be 4.09×10^(5)~4.41×10^(5). The major glycosidic linkages of the β-glucans demonstrated the presence of 2, 4, 6-Me-Gle and 2, 3, 6-Me-Cle. When flow behaviors of barley bran β-glucan were examined, β-glucan exhibited pseudoplastic fluid properties.
Key Words
β-glucan, barley bran, physicochemical properties
Comparison on Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activities of Commonly Consumed Coffees at Coffee Shops in Seoul Downtown 서울 시내 커피전문점에서 판매되는 커피의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화성 비교
서한석 Seo Han Seog , 김수희 Kim Su Hui , 황인경 Hwang In Gyeong
19(5) 624-630, 2003
Comparison on Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activities of Commonly Consumed Coffees at Coffee Shops in Seoul Downtown 서울 시내 커피전문점에서 판매되는 커피의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화성 비교
서한석 Seo Han Seog , 김수희 Kim Su Hui , 황인경 Hwang In Gyeong
The physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of commonly consumed espresso and regular coffees, at coffee shops in downtown Seoul, were investigated. Moreover, the characteristics between chain type coffee shop and owner shops were compared using t-tests. The serving temperature and volume of espresso were lower than those for regular coffees. Whereas, the pH and total acidity of espresso were higher than those for regular coffees. Coffees from chain shops, in particular, had a significantly higher pH and lower total acidity than those from owner shops. The L, a and b values of the regular coffees were higher than those of the espresso coffees. With the exception of the a value of regular coffees, all the color values of the coffees from owner shops were higher than those from the chain shops. The intensity of the brownness, soluble solid contents and total phenolic contents of the espresso coffees were about 7-8, 8-9 and 4 times higher, respectively, than those of regular coffees. In addition, the free radical scavenging capacities and antioxidant activities of the espresso coffees, using a chemiluminescence assay, were higher than those of regular coffees. Espresso coffees from chain shops, especially, had higher activities of free radical scavenging than those from owner shops. In conclusion, the characterics of coffees from chain shops were significantly different from those from owner coffee shops.
Studies on Holding Methods for Quality Assurance of Cooked Foods Served at Foodservice Institutions ( I ) 급식소에서 제공되는 생산품의 조리 후 보관방법 설정을 위한 품질 연구(1)
김혜영 Kim Hye Yeong , 고성희 Go Seong Hui
19(5) 631-639, 2003
Studies on Holding Methods for Quality Assurance of Cooked Foods Served at Foodservice Institutions ( I ) 급식소에서 제공되는 생산품의 조리 후 보관방법 설정을 위한 품질 연구(1)
김혜영 Kim Hye Yeong , 고성희 Go Seong Hui
In order to control the quality and safety of cooked foods, production and holding methods of foods should be carefully studied and applied to the foodservice industry. Therefore studies on microbiological, nutritional, physicochemical and sensory quality are essential in this area. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the chemical and microbial qualities of cooked foods during preparation and holding. From the results, the following guidelines should be adhered to give effective quality control when holding foods after cooking in foodservice institutions, as well as to provide quality foods when selling cooked foods at commercial establishments. Sauteed and simmered foods such as sauteed chicken meat & vegetables and simmered pork in soy sauce satisfy the standard for microorganisms till 1-3 hours of room temp. holding, 6-18 hours at 60℃ steam table, and 12-18 hours at 80℃ heating table.
Inhibition of N-nitrosodimethylamine Formation of Extracts from Citrus Seeds 감귤류 종자 추출물의 N-nitrosodimethylamine 생성억제에 관한 연구
오혁수 O Hyeog Su , 안용석 An Yong Seog , 나임순 Na Im Sun , 오명철 O Myeong Cheol , 오창경 O Chang Gyeong , 김수현 Kim Su Hyeon
19(5) 640-646, 2003
Inhibition of N-nitrosodimethylamine Formation of Extracts from Citrus Seeds 감귤류 종자 추출물의 N-nitrosodimethylamine 생성억제에 관한 연구
오혁수 O Hyeog Su , 안용석 An Yong Seog , 나임순 Na Im Sun , 오명철 O Myeong Cheol , 오창경 O Chang Gyeong , 김수현 Kim Su Hyeon
The effect of inhibition on N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation by methanol extracts from 6 kinds of citrus seed (Citrus sunki, Citrus natsudaidai, Citrus suleata, Citrus tangerina, Citrus grandis and Citrus obovoidea) were investigated. The contents of moisture, crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrate, ash, flavonoid and totat phenol in citrus seeds were 4~6, l1~15, 32~46, 22~45, 2~4%, 12~24mg% and 53~133㎎%, respectively. The solid contents and yield of citrus seed extracts were 0.8~1.0 and 0.7~1.1%, respectively. Nitrite-scavenging activity by methanol extracts from citrus seeds increased with increasing extract dosage. Furthermore, the nitrite scavenging activity was pH dependent being the highest at pH 1.2 (42.7~96.9%) and the lowest at pH 6.0 (19.9~62.6%). Scavenging effects of nitrite by reaction time showed high effects under 3hr reaction time. The inhibition effect of NDMA formation by the citrus seed was strengthened as the amount of extract increased. The inhibition rate of methanol extracts from citrus seeds on NDMA formation showed 1.2~39.8%, 21.3~60.1% and 47.4~94.0%, according to add 1, 3 and 5㎖, respectively. Therefore, the inhibition effect of NDMA formation by the citrus seed was strengthened as the concentration of extract increased.
The Seasonal Microbiological Quality Assessment for Application of HACCP System to the Elementary School Food Service 초등학교 급식소에서의 HACCP 적용을 위한 계절별 환경미생물학적 위해분석
권성희 Kwon Seong Hui , 이헌옥 Lee Heon Og , 정덕화 Jeong Deog Hwa , 신원선 Sin Won Seon , 엄애선 Eom Ae Seon
19(5) 647-658, 2003
The Seasonal Microbiological Quality Assessment for Application of HACCP System to the Elementary School Food Service 초등학교 급식소에서의 HACCP 적용을 위한 계절별 환경미생물학적 위해분석
권성희 Kwon Seong Hui , 이헌옥 Lee Heon Og , 정덕화 Jeong Deog Hwa , 신원선 Sin Won Seon , 엄애선 Eom Ae Seon
Foodservice at elementary schools has been povided nation-wide. It is predictable that foodborne diseases would increase continuously. Formation of a counterplan is urgently needed. This study was designed to identify the stage which contains the critical control points (CCPs) for the microbiological management of HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) at the foodservice provided at elementary schools. Foodservice places at four elementary schools in Seoul were sampled and the overall hygiene of cooking, utensils and equipment, employees, and environment by season were examined. The results showed that the number of bacteria in overall samples was increased and that E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus by biochemical test emerged in more diverse samples in summer than in spring. Particularly, the number of aerial bacteria in summer was three-fold greater than that in either spring or winter. E. coli 0157 was not detected, although Salmonella was identified by PCR analysis in the meat Knives, chopping boards, waste bins and meat dish at elementary school foodservice. According to this data, cross-contamination should be managed in the stage of mixing up the ingredients with improper equipments and insanitary treatments. Thus, the establishment of SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) at elementary school foodservice is stringently required, along with sanitation education for workers and employees as CCPs.
Key Words
foodservice of elementary school, HACCP, CCPs, microbiological management
Sensory and Physical Characteristics of Hwajeun Prepared with Various Kinds of Dipping Syrups 집청액 종류에 따른 화전의 관능적 및 물리적 특성
장명숙 Jang Myeong Sug , 박정은 Park Jeong Eun
19(5) 659-666, 2003
Sensory and Physical Characteristics of Hwajeun Prepared with Various Kinds of Dipping Syrups 집청액 종류에 따른 화전의 관능적 및 물리적 특성
장명숙 Jang Myeong Sug , 박정은 Park Jeong Eun
The purpose of this study was to standardize the various methods and recipes of Hwajeun (glutinous rice pancake with flower) that appeare in the literature. For this purpose, the effects on sensory and physical characteristics of Hwajeun in various kinds of dipping syrups (S1 : honey, S2 : rice syrup, S3 : com syrup, S4 : sugar syrup and S5 : sugar) during storage for 24hrs were investigated. This experiment consisted of the measurement of water content, color difference meter, texture analyser and sensory evaluation for acceptance (color, flavor, moistness, softness, chewiness, adhesiveness, sweetness and overall acceptability). The moisture contents decreased with increasing storage time, indicating that S1 had a significantly (p<0.01) high value until 12hrs. The colorimetric values of lightness (L), redness (a) and yellowness (b) decreased and the total color difference values (△E) increased with increasing storage time. In the two bite compression test, the hardness of S1 and S3 showed significantly (p<0.001) lower values than other samples. As a result of the sensory evaluation for Hwajeun prepared with various kinds of dipping syrup, S1 and S3 were most preferred in color, flavor, moistness, chewiness, adhesiveness, sweetness and overall acceptability of sensory evaluation.
Key Words
Hwajeun, dipping syrups, texture, and sensory evaluation