Effects of Job Embeddedness on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention -Focused on Employees of Hotel F & B Division- 호텔 식음료부서 종사원의 직무착근도가 직무만족, 조직몰입, 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향
하동현 Dong Hyun Ha , 김성민 Seong Min Kim
26(1) 1-12, 2010
Effects of Job Embeddedness on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention -Focused on Employees of Hotel F & B Division- 호텔 식음료부서 종사원의 직무착근도가 직무만족, 조직몰입, 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향
A Study on the Development of Vinegar Beverage Using Yacon Roots(Smallanthus sonchifolius) and Analysis of Components Changes During the Fermentation 야콘 뿌리를 이용한 발효 초음료 개발 및 발효 중 성분 변화
이승연 Seung Yeon Lee , 유경미 Kyung Mi Yoo , 문보경 Bo Kyung Moon , 황인경 In Kyeong Hwang
26(1) 95-103, 2010
A Study on the Development of Vinegar Beverage Using Yacon Roots(Smallanthus sonchifolius) and Analysis of Components Changes During the Fermentation 야콘 뿌리를 이용한 발효 초음료 개발 및 발효 중 성분 변화
이승연 Seung Yeon Lee , 유경미 Kyung Mi Yoo , 문보경 Bo Kyung Moon , 황인경 In Kyeong Hwang
Changes in Myrosinase Activity and Total Glucosinolate Levels in Korean Chinese Cabbages by Salting Conditions 배추 절임조건에 따른 Myrosinase 활성 및 Total Glucosinolates 함량 변화
황은선 Eun Sun Hwang
26(1) 104-109, 2010
Changes in Myrosinase Activity and Total Glucosinolate Levels in Korean Chinese Cabbages by Salting Conditions 배추 절임조건에 따른 Myrosinase 활성 및 Total Glucosinolates 함량 변화
황은선 Eun Sun Hwang
Key Words
Korean Chinese cabbage, total glucosinolates, myrosinase, salting time, salt concentration