Use of Microwave Range and Oven , and Change on Dietary Type 전자렌지 , 오븐의 이용과 식생활의 변화
김명애 Myoung Ae Kim
9(1) 1-6, 1993
Use of Microwave Range and Oven , and Change on Dietary Type 전자렌지 , 오븐의 이용과 식생활의 변화
김명애 Myoung Ae Kim
The possession of microwave range, oven and oven-microwave range has been greatly increased with 88 Seoul Olympic Game as a momentum, and the possession rate was by 68%. The respondent answered the function of microwave range to be more necessary than that of oven, and the two household commodities have been mostly used to reheat and heat simply prepared frozen foods. The 35% among total respondent wished to cook the prepared frozen foods like pizza, but the 87% prefered to cook bakery. The frequencies of the use of oven were 35%, 35% for cooking premix and raw materials, and 20%, 20% for cooking half-prepared and prepared foods, respectively. The respondent of 39% was interested in premix foods as a future preference for food forms, and the respondent with interest in half-prepared food was 30%, but the preference for raw materials and prepared foods showed a trend to be decreased. The respondent of 60% had eaten out six times week, and 50% had eaten instant and fast foods 1∼3 times week. As the results of this survey, most of consumers prefer to more convenient foods. Therefore, it is expected that the function of oven and microwave range would be widely useful if various foods are improved with regards to convenience for use and preference.
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A Survey on the Holding Amount of Cooking Tools of the Farm and Fishing Villages in Chungnam Area 충남지역 농어촌의 조리기구 보유실태에 관한 조사
김영인 , 김기숙 Young In Kim , Ki Sook Kim
9(1) 7-13, 1993
A Survey on the Holding Amount of Cooking Tools of the Farm and Fishing Villages in Chungnam Area 충남지역 농어촌의 조리기구 보유실태에 관한 조사
김영인 , 김기숙 Young In Kim , Ki Sook Kim
This survey was performed to investigate the holding amount of the various kinds of cooking tools of the farm and fishing villages in Chungnam area. The results were as follows: 1. The holding ratio of refrigerators was the highest (97.9%), and that of toasters was the lowest (1.9%) among the electric tools. 2. The holding ratio of gas-ranges was the highest (95.7%) and that of gas oven-ranges was the lowest (1.2%) among 4 kinds of gas tools under investigation. 3. The holding amount of pans was the highest among the cooking tools and that of wicker baskets was very high among the small cooking tools. The holding ratios of egg-cutters and lemon-squeezers were very low (4.1% and 2.9%, respectively). 4. The holding ratios of various kinds of cooking tools were related to the housewife`s educational background and family income.
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The Effect of Heat Treatment on Fried Noodle Making 밀의 열처리가 라면 제조과정 및 물성에 미치는 영향
김완수 Wan Soo Kim
9(1) 14-18, 1993
The Effect of Heat Treatment on Fried Noodle Making 밀의 열처리가 라면 제조과정 및 물성에 미치는 영향
김완수 Wan Soo Kim
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Effect of Boiling Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Su Ri Chwi ( Synurus palmatopinnonatifidus var. indivisus KiTAM. ) Pectin 삶는방법이 수리취 ( Synurus palmatopinnonatifidus var. indivisus KiTAM. ) 펙틴의 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
김명희 , 박용곤 , 장명숙 Myung Hee Kim , Yong Kon Park , Myung Sook Jang
9(1) 19-24, 1993
Effect of Boiling Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Su Ri Chwi ( Synurus palmatopinnonatifidus var. indivisus KiTAM. ) Pectin 삶는방법이 수리취 ( Synurus palmatopinnonatifidus var. indivisus KiTAM. ) 펙틴의 이화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
김명희 , 박용곤 , 장명숙 Myung Hee Kim , Yong Kon Park , Myung Sook Jang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the physicochemical properties of Su Ri Chwi (Synurus palmatopinnonatifidus var.indivisus KiTAM.) cooked in different solution (distilled water, 1% salt and 1% sodium bicarbonate added water) and time. The content of crude fiber showed the highest percentage among the alcohol-insoluble solids of cooked Su Ri Chwi. The contents of Ca and Mg were decreased by the addition of 1% sodium bicarbonate. The main neutral sugars of alcohol insoluble solids were arabinose, galactose, and glucose. The content of glucose was increased regardless of method used. The main neutral sugars of crude pectins were rhamnose, arabinose and glucose. Galactose was increased by the cooking. The gel chromatography on Sepharose CL-4B indicated that the pectin extracted from cooked Su Ri Chwi had lower molecular weight distribution than that of the raw Su Ri Chwi. Total pectin was decreased by the cooking method used. The amounts of soluble pectins of Su Ri Chwi cooked in 1% sodium bicarbonate added water were lower than those of raw material.
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Study on Improvement of Cooking Rice Method for Acceleration of Consumption of the Rice 쌀소비 촉진을 위한 쌀밥 조리 개선 연구 (1) - 취반시 조리수에 산 , 지방 , Cellulose 첨가에 따른 texture 변화 -
김경자 , 양화영 , 오미향 , 구정선 Kyoung Ja Kim , Hwa Young Yang , Mi Hyang Oh , Jung Sun Ku
9(1) 25-29, 1993
Study on Improvement of Cooking Rice Method for Acceleration of Consumption of the Rice 쌀소비 촉진을 위한 쌀밥 조리 개선 연구 (1) - 취반시 조리수에 산 , 지방 , Cellulose 첨가에 따른 texture 변화 -
김경자 , 양화영 , 오미향 , 구정선 Kyoung Ja Kim , Hwa Young Yang , Mi Hyang Oh , Jung Sun Ku
This study was attempted to enhance taste and quality value of cooked rice by adding fat, vinegar, cellulose in cooking water. Cooked rice with five different levels of material in cooking water (100% water A: 10% vinegar B: 10% fat C: 10% fat and 10% vinegar D: 10% fat, 10% vinegar and 10% celloulose) was tested for rheology, fine structural changes, sensory evaluation, in vitro digestion. 1) Cooked rice by adding 10% fat rate was higher than A, B, D, E samples for softness, Jelly and increased in vitro digestion. 2) sensory evaluation conducted by tweenty university students a panelists showed that B, D sample were low value in flavour, texture and taste, but higher than A sample for softness, Jelly and in Vitro digestion. 3) E sample (10% fat, 10% vinegar, 10% cellulose) was more significant for taste, texture, and digestion than A sample. From these results, it was concluded that rice cooked with 10% of fat in cooking water was quite acceptable, in terms of practical food value consisting of palatability rheology and digestibility.
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Change of Physicochemical Properties and Sprouting Characteristics of Soybean seed for Storage 저장에 따른 대두의 이화학적 변화와 발아 특성 조사
김수희 , 황인경 Soo Hee Kim , In Kyeong Hwang
9(1) 30-32, 1993
Change of Physicochemical Properties and Sprouting Characteristics of Soybean seed for Storage 저장에 따른 대두의 이화학적 변화와 발아 특성 조사
김수희 , 황인경 Soo Hee Kim , In Kyeong Hwang
This study was conducted to characterize quality of the soybean seed harvested in 1989, 1990 and 1991 each and stored in the refrigerator. Storage time did not affect the phytate and total sugar content, whereas longer storage reduced nitrogen solubility index (NSI). There was no difference in amylogram viscosity characteristics of soybean seeds harvested in 1989 and 1990, which was lower than those in 1991. The production yield of soybean sprout and total sprouting rate of soybean seeds harvested in 1989 were 334.8% and 57.4%, respectively, which were lower than those in 1990 and 1991.
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Antioxidant Activity of Crude Gingerol - 1 . Thermal Stability of Gingerol form Ginger and Effect of its Concentration on the Oxidation of Soybean Oil - Crude Gingerol 의 항산화 효과 - 1 . 생강 Gingerol 의 열안정성 및 대두유에 대한 농도에 따른 항산화 효과 -
백숙은 , 우상규 Suk Eun Beak , Sang Kyu Woo
9(1) 33-36, 1993
Antioxidant Activity of Crude Gingerol - 1 . Thermal Stability of Gingerol form Ginger and Effect of its Concentration on the Oxidation of Soybean Oil - Crude Gingerol 의 항산화 효과 - 1 . 생강 Gingerol 의 열안정성 및 대두유에 대한 농도에 따른 항산화 효과 -
백숙은 , 우상규 Suk Eun Beak , Sang Kyu Woo
This study was carried out to investigate the thermal stability of gingerol from Ginger and effect of its concentration on the oxidation of soybean oil. After Heating gingerol, the contents of remained gingerol was measured by HPLC. After heat treatment at 105℃ for 3 hours, 94.5% of gingerol was remained, whereas at 165℃ for 30 min., only 10% of gingerol was remained. Crude gingerol was also added to soybean oil at the concentration of 0.02%, 0.1% and 0.2% by weight of oil, respectively. The oils with crude gingerol were heat-treated at 105℃ for 5 hours and 165℃ for 30 minutes, respectively, and then the heat-treated oils were incubated at 45℃ for 25 days. The peroxide value of the oils was measured in order to estimate the antioxidant activity of crude gingerol compared with BHT. In the soybean oil heated at 105℃ for 5 hours, crude gingerol showed antioxidant activity at all concentration and the activity was more effective than 0.02% BHT. And during the storage of the heat-treated oils at 45℃, the antioxidant activity of crude gingerol increased in direct proportion to its concentration. In the soybean oil heated at 165℃ for 30 minutes and then stored at 45℃, the antioxidant activity of crude gingerol increased in direct proportion to its concentration.
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Antioxidative Effect of Ginger Extracts 생강 추출물의 항산화효과에 관한 연구
김은정 , 안명수 Eun Jung Kim , Myung Soo Ahn
9(1) 37-42, 1993
Antioxidative Effect of Ginger Extracts 생강 추출물의 항산화효과에 관한 연구
김은정 , 안명수 Eun Jung Kim , Myung Soo Ahn
To investigate the antioxidant effects of different concentration of ginger extracts during incubating and heating, ginger extracts were added into soybean oil, cottonseed oil at 1, 3, 5 percent level and BHT, tocophereol at 0.02% level. Also practical antioxidant effects of dried ginger slices for soybean oil were determined. In case of incubating oil, ginger extracts showed antioxidant effects at all concentration, and the antioxidant effects were similar to those of BHT but considerably higher than those of the tocopherol. In case of heating oil, the antioxidant effects of ginger extracts were almost equal to all concentration and higher than those of BHT and tocopherol. And the rate of oxidation was retarded considerably by heating with the dried ginger slices added into flying oil at 5, 10% level, but the best antioxidant effects was shown in 5% dried ginger slices added into soybean oil.
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The Study on Emulsifying and Foaming Properties of Buckwheat Protein Isolate 분리 메밀 단백질의 유화 및 기포특성에 관한 연구
손경희 , 최희선 Kyung Hee Sohn , Hee Sun Choi
9(1) 43-51, 1993
The Study on Emulsifying and Foaming Properties of Buckwheat Protein Isolate 분리 메밀 단백질의 유화 및 기포특성에 관한 연구
손경희 , 최희선 Kyung Hee Sohn , Hee Sun Choi
Buckwheat protein isolate was tested for the effects of pH, addition of sodium chloride and heat treatment on solubility, emulsion capacities, emulsion stability, surface hydrophobicity, foam capacities and foam stability. The solubility of buckwheat protein isolate was affected by pH and showed the lowest value at pH 4.5, the isoelectric point of buckwheat protein isolate. The solubility significantly as the pH value reached closer to either ends of the pH, i.e., pH 1.0 and 11.0. The effects of NaCl concentration on solubility were as follows; at pH 2.0, the solubility significantly decreased when NaCl was added; at pH 4.5, it increased above 0.6M; at pH 7.0 it increased; and at pH 9.0 it decreased. The solubility increased above 80℃ , at all pH ranges. The emulsion capacity was the lowest at pH 4.5. It significantly increased as the pH approached higher acidic or alkalic regions. At pH 2.0, when NaCl was edded, the emulsion capacity decreased, but it increased at pH 4.5 and showed the maximum value at pH 7.0 and 9.0 with 0.6 M and 0.8 M NaCl concentrations. Upon heating, the emulsion capacity decreased at acidic pH`s but was maximised at pH 7.0 and 9.0 on 60℃ heat treatment. The emulsion stability was the lowest at pH 4.5 but increased with heat treatment. At acidic pH, the emulsion stability increased with the increase in NaCl concentration but decreased at pH 7.0 and 9.0. Generally, at other pH ranges, the emulsion stability was decreased with increased heating temperature. The surface hydrophobicity showed the highest value at pH 2.0 and the lowest value at pH 11.0. As NaCl concentrationed, the surface hydrophobicity decreased at acidic pH. The NaCl concentration had no significant effects on surface hydrophobicity at pH 7.0, 9.0 except for the highest value observed at 0.8M and 0.4M. At all pH ranges, the surface hydrophobicity was increased, when the temperature increased. The foam capacity decreased, with increased in pH value. At acidic pH, the foam capacity was decreased with the increased in NaCl concentration. The highest value was observed upon adding 0.2M or 0.4M NaCl at pH 7.0 and 9.0. Heat treatments of 60℃ and 40℃ showed the highest foam capacity values at pH 2.0 and 4.5, respectively. At pH 7.0 and 9.0, the foam capacity decreased with the increased in temperature. The foam stability was not significantly related to different pH values. The addition of 0.4M NaCl at pH 2.0, 7.0 and 9.0 showed the highest stability and the addition of 1.0M at pH 4.5 showed the lowest. The higher the heating temperature, the lower the foam stability at pH 2.0 and 9.0. However, the foam stability increased at pH 4.5 and 7.0 before reaching 80℃.
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Mineral Content in Sam - Gye - Tang Broth according to Cooker and Boiling Time 조리용기와 가열시간에 따른 삼계탕 용출액 중 무기질함량에 관한 연구
박세원 , 김선태 , 유양자 Se Won Park , Sun Tae Kim , Yang Ja Yoo
9(1) 52-56, 1993
Mineral Content in Sam - Gye - Tang Broth according to Cooker and Boiling Time 조리용기와 가열시간에 따른 삼계탕 용출액 중 무기질함량에 관한 연구
박세원 , 김선태 , 유양자 Se Won Park , Sun Tae Kim , Yang Ja Yoo
This study was examined on the change of mineral contents (Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Sodium, Phosphorus) in Sam-gye-tang broth cooked by various cooker and boiling time. The results were as follows; 1) In cauldron, the contents of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Sodium, Phosphorus were increased in proportion to boiling time. In pressure cooker, the contents of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc are increased according to boiling time but the contents of Iron, Sodium, Phosphorus were showed the maxium value at 120 minutes and were decreased since then. 2) Ca/P was 1:0.91 in raw materials of Sam-gye-tang. But the extracting rate of Ca/P of the broth cooked in cauldron was 1:3.58∼1:4.68 and 1:2.02∼1:3.96 in pressure cooker. This rate was quite different from the recommended one of 1:1∼1:1.5. 3) In the increasing rate of minerals according to boiling time, the increasing rate of Calcium was showed similar in cauldron and pressure cooker, but Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Phosphorus were showed the maximum increasing rate from 30 to 60 minutes in cauldron and pressue cooker. Zinc was showed the maximum increasing rate from 120 to 150 minutes in cauldron and from 30 to 60 minutes in pressure cooker.
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Low - Fat Cheese and Cheese - like Products 저지방 치즈와 치즈 유사제품의 개발현황
위르겐루카스 , 한영실 , 벤노쿤쯔 Jurgen Lucas , Young Sil Han , Benno Kunz
9(1) 57-60, 1993
Low - Fat Cheese and Cheese - like Products 저지방 치즈와 치즈 유사제품의 개발현황
위르겐루카스 , 한영실 , 벤노쿤쯔 Jurgen Lucas , Young Sil Han , Benno Kunz